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Trust Yourself

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~~Trust yourself.  Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all  your life.  Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.~~  Golda Meir

Sounds great, doesn't it?  Flames of!  And you may be smiling and thinking that the words are cool, but you're just....what?  Not good enough?  Too busy?  Simply can't do stuff like that?

Oh, boy are you wrong!!  Fanning sparks of possibility into flames of achievement is exactly what you do all the time!  Ever encourage your children to try something new?  Ever support your spouse into taking that promotion?  Ever decide you're ready to get that college degree?

So why can't you do that by quitting smoking?  It's really no different at all.  Except that addiction changes your thought patterns.  Changes your brain waves.  Make you believe you can't let go.  That's where fanning those sparks of possibility comes in.  Underneath it all, you know you can quit because of the thousands who already have.  You've seen it, you've read about it, and of course you can do it.  So take those sparks and create your quit.  Don't let the fear of quitting win.  Don't let the addiction tell you that you can't.  Fan the possibilities.

The struggle is all in your head.  You get to decide if you are going to nurture your quit or battle it.  You get to decide if you are going to put off your quit 'until'.  Until you're less stressed, until you're in a better place, until you're through the crisis...until, until, until you let the sparks of possibility fade.

Our thoughts are everything when we quit.  We get to choose what thoughts to hold on to and what thoughts need to just drift away.  Don't hold onto those thoughts that don't serve you.  Let them go and hold onto the ones that give you hope and power.  Don't battle, achieve instead.  Don't fear, understand.  Believe.  Trust.  Do.

There are a lot of powerful posts here to help you.  There are many elders who will offer support, encouragement, suggestions, and information.  Everything you need to know about quitting is here.  Everything you need to support your quit is here.  Use it all and create the quit of your dreams 🙂

