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Share your quitting journey

Totally frustrated!!!

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I want to quit, but I really don't want to quit! Anybody else feel that way? I love smoking! I seriously do not know how to get thru the day without it! Quit on 3/16, but found a couple of butts to smoke. How flippin sick is that!



I hear everyone who is still smoking feels the same way.


You gotta decide and then honor the decision


make a plan.

Learn what you need to know and make a plan.



When you do quit you need to make sure there are no cigarettes, ashtrays, butts and such around at all. Have you read the Allen Carr book? It and another site have been very helpful in educating people about the nicotine addiction. Knowing that you are an addict helps you understand your behavior and certainly helps you maintain a quit. AThese sites have positive approaches as well. A positive attitude goes a long way to help you help yourself.  Here are the links:

Dale's advice is spot on. wishing you all the best. Stick around the blogs and read read read!


You have to want it bad enough to make up your mind to quit. Then prepare, Dale said, a plan.

When you want it bad enough you will not be leaving any butts around, as a matter-a-fact you will toss all smoking related items, because you will be so serious you won't leave any options on the table, night stand, jacket pockets, in the car....or anywhere because you decided to be a non smoker and non smokers don't keep those things.

When you are at a point where it's either you or them and you choose "you" because you are tired of being tired of being tired of the robotic chain smoking, coughing, life sucking, stinky, expensive, suicide sticks....then set a date!

You can quit smoking any time you make your mind up. Read the blogs here, keep posting, and learn about the addiction. Hang out here with us. You will find all kind very useful information, help and a bunch of friendly people to support you.

: ) 


I don't believe anyone truly loves smoking. You may love not feeling a craving, or that moment or two of solitude sitting outside alone with your cigarette or some other emotional trigger. But the cigarette itself, if you truly loved it, you wouldn't be here.


I disagree. I loved smoking. I smoked sweet clove cigs and my psych Dr. didn't want me to suffer through the added stress of quiting. I had no desire to stop but it cost to much. I looked up aqua vapor( water vapor electric cigs) that don't have tar, tobacco, or smoke. I ordered the sweetest flavors like cinnamin bun and eggnog and now the thought of a tobacco flavor,(even cloves) grosses me out. Maybe it's cheating but it worked.


"smoking" water vapor cigs delays relearning the hand to mouth to inhale habit.


I used to say the same thing, I loved my cigarettes.  No one loved them more than I did.  I felt like I was forced to quit because #1 they were making me feel bad, #2 my fiance didn't smoke and #3. I was tired of spending all the money on them.  So I quit and almost gave up my quit on day 1, I chain smoked 2 1/2 of them.

But then I came to my senses and  I committed myself to my quit and I learned THE TRUTH.  

THE TRUTH is I didn't love those cigarettes.  I was a slave to them, due to my nicotene addiction. 

Would I love to go sit on the porch and smoke a cigarette right now, YES.  But I can't because I am an addict and that would start the cycle of my addiction all over again. 

I am free from that addiction and will never go back!  

You need to see the cigarettes for what they REALLY are.  They are devices of death, they are killers.  And see yourself for what you are, a Nicotene Addict.  It is then you can be truly free!

Join me on Mt. Freedom, there is no place better to be!  

Sheri,  232 Days Free!!!!


Welcome, you've found one of the best support sites on the web!  We have people in all stages of quitting, and we CAN help you. We have all been exactly where you are, right now. 

Read the Allen Carr book and read through the 10 lessons on quitsmokingonline, the two links Maggie gave you above. 

We all thought we loved smoking. Every one of us. It's part of the addiction; your brain coming up with any excuse it can to keep you smoking. Do some reading, educate yourself, and you will start seeing things in a new way. 

Quitting isn't easy, but it is very, very simple. You can do it! 


It's better to be a non-smoker who thinks about a cigarette once in a while than a smoker who thinks about quitting all the time!


Oh my gosh.....thank y'all for all the support. I really needed it. I haven't left the house today for fear of stopping to get cigs! I totally understand the process, because I have done it before. I quit years ago for a year and a half and let something in my life totally put me back into being a slave to cigs. I've quit so many times for varying lengths, it's just stupid! As a Christian, I really think that Satan has a strong hold with this and the battle is just beginning. I think that is part of why I am struggling so much. I totally understand the addicts brain, my parents were both alcoholics. My father died at the age of 39 of a gunshot wound to the head, because of the crazy life he lived.  My mom got sober and became a counselor. She preached for years about addiction and how the addicts brain works. You think you will die without the addiction. Blah, Blah, Blah. I get it, just gotta do it.

Thanks again so much for all the input and taking the time to respond, I really needed it and appreciate it. I know it is totally up to me.


I'm sorry about your dad.  My kids lost their dad when they were young.  Sounds like you got the intellectual part down pat, only one problem, smoking really is not an intellectual decision..if it was who ,but the worst poor imbecile would make that decision?  Nope, you can't rationalize the quit  Well, rationalization is ONE of the tools, but it takes more, like no argueing, just no, get rid of the butts, distract, sing, take a bath, clean a closet, whatever works, come here a LOT at first.  Read, read, read!  Write BEFORE you smoke.  Talk to yourself...just STOP intellectualizing because it opens the door to a debate in your head...there IS no debate, the answer is no.  Keep yourself busy until all of your head gets used to it and adjusts and JoDee, it will.  .


We all thought we loved smoking----once you are far enough into the quit, you'll realize what a lie that was. It's a trick; an illusion. This site is all about learning to live your life without smoking AND getting some pretty great friends/support at the same time! You will soon discover how silly it sounds to say you loved pulling smelly, stinging smoke into your lungs; smelling disgusting all the time AND, to top it off---spending so much money on something that ultimately will either kill you OR at the very least---limit your life choices and your overall enjoyment of each day.

Welcome to EX----we are all here for each other. 


There is one thing that separates a smoker from a non-smoker. The non-smoker doesn't light one up. No matter what happens, the non-smoker doesn't do that this second, this minute, this hour or this day. Isn't that the most exasperatingly simple damn thing you ever heard in your frigging life???????


Yeah, it just comes down to that. Don't do it.