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Tommarow day one please help me get through

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Hey there peps, I have tried to quit so many times and never get through day one. Tommarow is my quit date 12-9-11 I dont know how i should start my day or what i should do to not smoke for the whole day and get to the next and so on. Please reach out to me and help. Thanks


Welcome!  There's so much you can do to make your quit go more smoothly.  Mostly, you need to get educated about the nicotine addiction and withdrawal.  You can go to and  Also, read the blogs here and the responses.  Check pages of people you connect with, make friends with them, get to know all of us and keep blogging.  We have success here and you can too!  It just takes a bit of effort and a lot of trusting us and the process.


Welcome to the site!  Bonnie has given you excellent advice. and can be very beneficial for you tonight and day by day going forward.  Know that you absolutely can do this and this is a great spot to get support.

Drink a lot of water, take a lot of deep breathes, walk or whatever work out you can do, check in here often and just take it day by day or moment by moment.  Every single crave will pass whether you smoke or not, so choose to not smoke.!


Welcome Lman. and congrats on your desicion to quit. This quit will be the best thing you do for your life. smoking causes cancer, heart disease, copd etc. If you want to live a longer and healthier life then you must wake up tomorow as a non smoker and move on!! I am on day 93 the first few weeks can be a liittle rough but really it isnt that difficult to get through it. we all have our good days and bad days but we will not smoke through it. stay on this site post blogs, make friends and stay on here. It is so exciting when we hit our milestones and are shouted out on the freedom train! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! OH AND MOST IMPORTANTLY READ READ READ EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THIS ADDICTION. 


Hi Lman,

I sent you a message to encourage you on your quit.  There are many here, with lots of experience and I have found this site very helpful.  You can do it.  Babs


Hey Lman,

I never thought I'd be able to quit, I tried dozens of times. This place and all those here are the reason I haven't had a butt in over a year after smoking for more than 30 yrs. We're all here for you . Hugssssssssssss Judy


Hooray for your decision to Quit.  Maggie and Aztec both have lots of educational links on their pages.  Figure out your triggers and develop coping mechanisms when they pop up.  We have all been where you are and are better off for doing the Quit.  Be sure to use this site when you are having trouble or to brag about good stuff.  You will get responses to calls for help. 

WELCOME! Yes, you can do it. As for day one, go to and look for day one. There's a whole list of specific nuts and bolts ideas that will help you make it 24 hours. Split it up one hour at a time and pledge each hour: I, Thomas, promise myself that I will not smoke for the next 60 minutes NO MATTER WHAT !!!! I will respect myself enough to honor that decision and when things get tough, I will go to BecomeanEx and Blog before I break down! I will reach out for help FIRST!
Hi lman just hang in there I never thought I would get through it my self drink lots of water. And take nice deep breaths,it's been almost 10 weeks for me ! I was a long time smoker close t o 40 years, I just keep telling myself I want to be around to enjoy my grandchildren one day, all I can tell u my breathing is so much better, I can feel the difference! Just hang in there just get through 2 more days.

I'm a newbie too!  Just wrapping up day 2.  I was an absolute witch the day before my quit day.....fear of failure!  There are some mighty awesome people on line here.  Many words of wisdom!  Search around, there are friends to be had!  I will be thinking of you!  YOU CAN DO IT TOO! 


You gotta forget about trying and the past and just do it.

   Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! As mentioned above - reading to become informed really helps - please check out the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" -
   The reading helped to change the way I thought about smoking - and I quit - after smoking for 40 years! That was 544 days ago! So - you can do this!! Stay close here!

Thank you guys sooooooo much i  feel better already that people are actually here to support me. I feel bad as i said in one of my blogs because i smoked half a cig i didnt know this sit would actually work like people would actually be here for me. Its so cool. I want to aploigize for smoking that halfer i really want to do this and i am definitly going to try all your guys suggestions. THANKS SOOOO MUCH. Lman