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Share your quitting journey

Today is the day!

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I just gave away my last pack... I am so terrified, But I think I am finally ready to quit.. I have been mentally preparing myself for weeks! I am wearing the patch and have the losenges... I just cant stand the smoking anymore.. I want to be free.. Im hoping this is it... I will need all the support I can get... I feel myself wanting one now.. Need to stay busy!!


I finish my last cigarette today @ 11 am. but later @ 8 pm watching American Idol @ the firehouse were there is going to be smoker's I hope I don't relaps


Congrats!!! You can do it! We are all going through the same thing on here..... boredom has been my biggest problem. If you think about it, i smoked 23 cigarettes a day. roughly 7 minutes to smoke one (sometimes 2-3 minutes) thats almost 3 hours a DAY!!!! Thats a lot of empty time to fill!!!

Try a hobby, a new book, or read blogs and such on here!

Best of luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!


We are here for you and we believe in you. This addiction is a little harder from other addictions but at 5:30 this afternoon I will have a full two weeks. If I can do it I believe you can also. Keep the faith, ask for help and let us know how you are.

I am pacing around trying anything so I don't smoke and it is working, after just two weeks i can breathe deeper and feel so much better. Of course thats only if you don't count feeling miserable about not smoking, but physically i feel so much better. I am 51 and have been smoking for over thirty years. I want to be free of this.

Let us know if we can help.



I am running around my house trying to keep my mind off of it but, smoking is all I am thinking about... I have cleaned a bathroom, vacumed the floors... Im sweating my ass off and Im angry!!! My BF is gonna be home from work soon and we are already not speaking... Im afraid I may have to kill him.. LOL Just Kidding!!!


I don't know if using two aides to quit smoking is over-doing it.  I just used the lozenges.  I would suggest you talk to a pharmacist or read the directions before you do both.  I was terrified the day I quit too!  I felt like I had given up my best friend and comfort blanket.  I can promise you this: I had no idea whatsoever that the benefits I have since experienced would be so great and get so big!  The biggest benefit I've experienced yet is since I quit smoking I was able to have a life-saving surgery that got rid of the cancer I had!  I am now cancer-free!


"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.


Thats amazing!!! Congrats!!! I actually watched some videos from the Mayo Clinic and they said it was fine to use both... Its the nicotene that is addictive but its not what is so terribley bad for you... Its all the other crap cigarettes that kill you!!! I cant wait to feel better!!! Ill be on here for a while tring to just not smoke one minute at a time!!! 🙂


Day 1, again! Time to put an end to the insanity. It does not control me, it does not control me, it....................................