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Today is the Day!!!! Oct. 15th...

0 4 19

I am a non-smoker. May it last, may it last!

do it!!!!!
Only You Can Make It Last.
Keep Them Away From Your Face.
Start reconditioniong your mind by thinking of something else when you would normally smoke and think of that same thing each time. (I smiled or laughed) This retrains you to go smewhere else with your thoughts rather than automatically lighting up.

Well day two and I am so hungover from not smoking for a whole day and night. I am having a hard time focusing on anything (seeing that is). But the mood is good and strong and I feel confident still.

Thank you all for the encouragement! It is well received, I promise. Dale thank you for the retraining idea...I will use it when needed. Yes I have thought about smoking but quickly moves on to another subject. I got rid of the butts, so to ensure that I don't smoke anything. Other than that it is day by day minute by minute.

I told my family, after deciding against it originally. Mom said to call her if I just can't get past the need for smoking. So they didn't laugh at me this time, nor did they get all negative on me. But I started the conversation off by stopping all that to begin with. So I have some choices when in need.