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Today 6!!

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To start day six off I thought I would make a list of things that I love about being a non-smoker.  Here goes.

1.  Driving to work in a warm car.  (no more cracked window to let smoke out, no more freezing left hand)

2.  Getting to work and my hair is still smelling like shampoo

3.  Not having to go out and freeze my a** off on my breaks

4.  Becoming a runner (yes, really....I am slowly becoming a "runner"  who'd a thought!!)

5.  Spending time focused on eating fruits and veggies and drinking water instead of thinking about when I can  get my next fix.

6.  Saving money!!  So far, only six days in I have save about 42 bucks!!  Think of all the things I can buy with that!  I think I will go get a pedicure and by some whitestrips for my teeth.  Pretty nice postive reward I think! 

7.  Spending uninterupted time with Gary (I no longer have to beg him to go out with me while I smoke, or ask him to pause the show until I am back in)

8.  Breathing!  My wheeze is practically gone.  I know it will take a while but I really can tell a huge difference already, I didn't realize how hard breathing had gotten....sad.

9.  Feeling healthy and not guilty.  I "hid" my smoking from my parents and extended family. 

10.  Pride, taking pride in my quit has made a huge difference this time.  I am doing this for me.  Because I WANT to.  Acknowledging cravings...then showing them the door is building momentum for me. 


Still trying to keep myself as motivated and busy as possible.  Thinking about the upcoming weekend and how to keep the drinking at a minimum or avoid it altogether.  It is going to rain and be cold so maybe I could tackle some closet organizing and spend some time in the gym....maybe I will go get that pedicure or go see True Grit.