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Share your quitting journey

To Ex and Those On It

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~~If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes.  Only then would you see how truly remarkable you are.~~  Unknown

I don't have many phone numbers of those on Ex I've known for about 15 years now 🙂  I don't email much, don't get on here much, don't write many letters even.  But I want you to know I haven't forgotten you.  Any of you.  Those who shared their stories with me, those who have supported, encouraged, challenged, or listened.

You are truly a hero.  Marilyn, with your positivity and your energy and joy.  Nancy with your charm and your warmth and your support.  Guilia, you are always beautiful in my eyes.  Your connection to those who need someone to hear them is truly a beautiful gift and I admire and respect you more than I can say.  Diane Joy, your faith and goodness have touched my soul and changed me forever.  Tommy, you've not only changed my life you've changed this site and made it accessible to all who wanted to be accepted.  Dale, you have always had a talent for entertaining and you've certainly done that here!!  You shine.  

There are so many others that have forever made a difference in my life.  BeeJay, I love you!!  Kathy, your generous spirit and kind heart are the best!  Colleen, your courage and ability to reach others through simple words inspire everyone.  Thomas, I don't even know if you are here anymore but from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!  

I can't reach everyone who touched my heart here.  Missy, true talent!!  Rick, superman extraordinaire!!  I will always love your many kindnesses!!  Donna, thank you! Sootie, I wouldn't be here without your support and encouragement and I love you!

I am grateful for all of you.  For this site where I learned about addiction and I learned about coping and I learned about nicotine and I learned about me.  Next month I'll have 11 years quit and I still am so incredibly thankful.  Humbled by the truly amazing stories that are shared here and honored that I was worth you all reaching out to me in my many hours of need!   

For those now quitting or thinking of quitting or trying to quit, of course you can!!  You are worth it and you deserve to live without being a slave to nicotine.  

You are all remarkable in my eyes.  And I may not say it often or well, but thank you.  Truly and forever, I will thank you for helping me find my quit.  Much love to you!



Awwwwww Sheri @SimplySheri you're a true inspiration to all of here at Ex and you're most definitely a kindred spirit! Much love to you my friend and fellow EXer and most definitely EXtended family YAY for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE! YAY for Freedom! YAY for your upcoming 11th year milestone! 🎉🎈💕🎈🎉💕🎈🎉 


..and I am honored to have shared this space with you in our time.  Your words empower, enrich and inform me - always.




Thanks Sheri,


I hope you find this entertaining.  🙂

Does anyone know what happened with Thomas and all the others who are no longer here?


Thank you for stopping by, when you do.  I appreciate your kind heart and support for everyone.  Congratulations on your very long quit.  


Thank you for including me! If I was able to give back a small fraction of the gifts I received here I am happy!! This is a special place filled with the special people you mentioned and so many more! Thank you for helping blaze a trail on which the tracks of the Freedom Train were laid! Godspeed to all who travel that path! Today, tomorrow and forever! 
Congratulations on your upcoming milestone! Live Free my Friend! Smoke Free Forever! 

Just me

Pir8fan (aka Tommy)



GOOD to see you!  ❤️


Hi Sheri @SimplySheri !!!! So good to "see" you!!!! I miss your posts but I am so happy to hear you are doing well. I think of you often too! Wish you would stop by here more often. 

@JonesCarpeDiem No, I do not know what happened to Thomas. I tried reaching out a few times but now cannot even remember what his @ name would be this "new"? platform. I know he quit in March of 2010 and I keep hoping to see him every March.  If anyone knows....please give us an update.


I was going to just go cold turkey but I did not realize just how out of control my vaping really was.  I immediately went into a bad place.  I decided to go gradually give myself time to get used to going longer periods and set timers.  Started with 2- hours then 3 hours the next day and then 4-5 hours but started running into problems with motivation and feeling like “ok I can handle this so it’s probably ok to just go ahead after 2 hours”.   So because I’m obviously delusional about this I reset my quit date for next weekend and will continue cutting back but I can’t believe how emotionally attached I am just to having this thing in my hand!  I’m wrestless, feel out of control busy trying to kill time, it’s like my motivation is there but the obsession does not let up even when the physical effects of quitting aren’t that bad anymore. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @kareema78k! My name is Quiana, and I am a part of the EX Team. Congratulations on your decision to quit! I wanted to reach out and personally welcome you to the EX Community! We are so excited you have joined us. This is a very supportive community so feel free to keep us all posted on your quit journey reach out and let us know if you need anything. You may find our Daily Pledge page helpful to make a commitment not to smoke on a day-by-day basis. Posting there will also bring visibility to your journey to others who take the pledge daily.

Here are some articles that might be helpful as you prepare for your quit date:

Quiana, EX Team



Might I make a suggestion?

Setting boundaries, limits and absolute control when trying to stop sets you up for failure.

What I did was simply say "Im going to wait a little longer" every time I wanted to smoke.

I never counted, never denied, never set myself up to fail by doing this.

You are acknowleging the urge to smoke and delaying following through but not denying.

you will be surprised how this wakes you up to the automatic part of the addiction.

PS I never set a quit date until I got down to 5 a day which proved I didn't need to smoke just because I thought I did.



@kareema78k Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.   Being prepared and understanding that you're dealing with a an addiction will lead to success.  There are two components to smoking/vaping.  There is the physical part, but also the mental and psychological aspect.  They both take work, so It's important to be prepared for both.

I'm glad you took a break to take the time to understand how to quit.  I smoked for 50 years and tried to quit numerous times.   When I decided to quit once again, I consulted with my Pulmonary doctor who suggest some quit aids, referred me to a cessation class and I cut down for week.  I luckily came across the Ex by accident during that week.  I learned what I needed to do to achieve my goal.  One of the most important parts was utilizing the support from fellow quitters available on this site.  Knowledge and identifying tools to use will set you up for success.  This link has some great information to get you off on the right track this time.

To reinforce your quit, join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at time.

Do some research on using a quit aid.  Those aids has meant success for many of us. I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers and with 6 years quit, I have not regrets.  

Navigating Nicotine Replacement: What are the opti... - EX Community

You found a great group of supporters here, so  to take advantage of everything available on the the site. 

Knowledge is power!   Stay busy and stay close.
