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Tips to Keep You Healthy and take Your Mind off the Cravings:

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Yes, i do follow these tips focusing on healthy habits you can take your mind off the craving and it will soon disappear!  Try at least 3 of these great healthy tips everyday:

(1)  Always eat a healthy breakfast-  Do Not skip breakfast!  If you are like me, you might get a craving first thing in the morning, so instead make a healthy breakfast for yourself.

(2)  Eat more starchy foods (not Potatoes) Example: eat wheat, oats, barley, rye and corn

(3)  Eat more fruits and veggies.

(4)  Drink plenty of water.

(5)  Eat more monounsaturated fatty acids.  Examples:  Vegetable oils such as canola, olive,flaxseed, & safflower seed.  Nuts & seeds (not peanuts).  Olives and avocados.

(6)  Eat more fish. (aat least 2 times a week)

(7)  Reduce saturated fats & sugars.

(8)  Consume less salt.

(9)  Balance your weight-  do you need to gain weight or lose it?  Get your doctor to help you.

(10)  Eat 3 Superfoods a day.  Examples:  Soy, leafy greens, garlic, wheatgrass juice, mushrooms, flaxseed oil, green tea, seaweed, blueberries and almonds.

I do most of these things everyday when i eat my meals.  I noticed that when i focused on what i am eating and drinking, i am less tempted to think about smoking because i am more focused on being healthy, and smoking is not an option when you are watching out for your health!  Sometimes when i get a craving, i go and get a big glass of ice water and drink that- i don't focus on the craving, i just go and distract myself with something healthier.  I hope these tips help, Friends.  These tips are from my notes on a book called 100 ways to stay young.  It is focused on health, nutrition, and exercise, and emotional health too.  I just wanted to share my notes with you all,

Have a nice evening,

Love, Lisa