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Share your quitting journey


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I remember so well starting my journey.  I announced to my sister that I was on day one.  Then I announced to the EX community.  Then I announced it to work and my facebook friends - I believe that was day 5.  The clock, at times, seemed to stand still.  But eventually the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, and the months into a year. 

I talked with a work acquaintance today and she asked me about quitting.  That was the first time in a very long time that someone has asked me (outside of the EX community) how I am doing with my quit.  It really made me feel good and I laughed when I could not tell her exactly how long I had been quit.  In the beginning, I could tell you down to the hour how long it had been - lol  But today, I had to think about it a bit - and if (even bigger LOL) I make it to midnight (and no doubt here that I will), I will have 16 months!!!! 

Newbies - hang in there - those hands of the clock will start moving again - and sometimes moving too quickly!

About the Author
I am a 65 year old single woman. I quit smoking at 55 and my only regret is that I did not quit sooner. Freedom from cigarettes is truly a wonderful feeling!