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Share your quitting journey

Thursday can be terrific

5 4 39

Fall Barens.jpg

Blueberry Barrens, Washington County, Maine

This should be a quiet day, I hope so.  The past two days were busy and that's okay but there are limits.  I won't be smoking today, please join me.

Just for today, let's say,

we'll handle our quits in a solid way;

 No smoking, or puffing or putting in chew,

 There are so many other things we can do.

 Using good graces and making good choices,

 No Smoking for us, hear all our voices.


Ride, be healthy, take a part in the trip.

Come ride with us on the no smoking train

It's a whole lot better than being out in the rain.

We want you with us, come do your part,

For healthy lungs, skin and heart.

It's all worth it, this no smoking trip.

About the Author
I quit on October 25, 2013, it was the best decision I ever made (or, one of them). I smoked for over 50 years and quit Cold Turkey. My most useful tool is gratitude, you can borrow some from me.