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Thursday Stuff

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Thursday's Quote

Cherishing children is the mark of a civilized society.

Daily Christian Wisdom

Before Jesus died, He willed us His Peace...He wants us to have peace in the midst of our current circumstances--peace in the morning, at night and all times in between. Peace is our inheritance! And it is a wonderful possession.

Let Yourself Be Carried
The Flow of the Universe
The flow of the universe moves through everything. It is in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away. It is in the blossoming of a flower born from a seed planted in the spring. The growth cycle that every human being goes through is part of this natural flow, which is also the current that takes us down life’s paths. When we move with it rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal wave that allows us to flow with life.

Many people live struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening in the way they think it should. Others move with it like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times. This flow is accessible to everyone because it travels through and around us. We are always riding it—it is just a matter of whether we are willing to go with it or we resist it. Choosing to go with the flow is often a matter of relinquishing the notion that we need to be in control at all times.

The flow is always transporting you where you need to go. It is merely a question of deciding whether you plan on accepting the ride or having it take you there with your feet dragging. Learning to step into it can help you feel a connection to a force that is greater than you and is always there to support you. The decision to go with the flow takes courage because you are surrendering the belief that you need to do everything by yourself. Riding the flow of the universe can be effortless, exhilarating, and unlike anything you ever expected. When you are receptive to being in it, you open yourself to possibilities that exist beyond the grasp of your control.

As a child, you were naturally swept by the flow. Tears of sadness falling down your face could just as quickly turn to tears of laughter. The mere tiniest wave carrying you forward off the shores of the ocean could transport you into peals of delight.

Our souls feel good when we go with the flow of the universe. All we have to do is make the choice to ride its currents.

May all your days be filled with sunshine and laughter!!! hugs

Thursday Meditation To love another person is to see the face of God --Victor Hugo

May all your days be

filled with sunshine

and laughter!!! hugs

Shelley's Daily Dish Honey Ribs

Fall off the bone honey and maple barbeque ribs made in the slow cooker.

INGREDIENTS 1 (10.5 ounce) can beef broth
3 tablespoons honey mustard
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey barbeque sauce
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup maple syrup
3 pounds baby back pork ribs

DIRECTIONS In the crock of a slow cooker, mix together the beef broth, honey mustard, honey, water, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, and maple syrup. Slice ribs apart, leaving an even amount of meat on each side of the bone. Place them into the slow cooker so that they are covered by the sauce. If there is not enough sauce, you may add a little water or beef broth to compensate.
Cover, and cook on High for 5 hours, or until the meat falls easily from the bones.
Kev and I were talking

yesterday, I thought

about the vegans and

non meat eating crowd.

I think in my

experiance, tofu will

replace almost any

meat in any

recipe....Cook on!!!!

Veg Recipe This recipe can be a great side dish or enjoyed as a vegetarian main dish.


1 medium sized onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped
1½ lbs collard greens
3 TBS + ½ cup vegetable stock
1 15 oz can of diced tomatoes, drained
1 15 oz can pinto beans, drained
2 TBS lemon juice
3 TBS olive oil
salt and pepper to taste


Chop onion and garlic and let sit for 5-10 minutes to bring out their hidden health benefits. Remove stems from greens, rinse and chop. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
Heat 3 TBS vegetable stock in large sauté pan. When the broth begins to steam, add onions, and Healthy Sauté for 4 minutes.
Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
Mix together 1/2 cup vegetable stock, tomatoes, and pinto beans and let it come to a boil. Add collard greens and simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Remove from heat and stir in olive oil and lemon juice. Serve hot.

Daily Food Tip
What do you know about the acai berries?

The acai berry comes from a special variety of palm tree that is native to South America. The scientific name for this palm tree is Euterpe oleracea. The food called "hearts of palm" is sometimes harvested from this tree and shipped worldwide, but the fruit of this palm has remained part of a much more local tradition. In the herbal medicine traditions of Brazil, fruit seeds from this palm have long been used for treatment of certain health problems, especially conditions involving fevers.

The acai berry has been receiving a lot of attention recently in the mass media for its proposed health benefits including those related to the following areas: anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, and improving the cardiovascular system. While it seems to be a potentially healthful fruit, it has not been included as one of the World's Healthiest Foods for two reasons. First, it does not fit the criteria of being accessible and familiar to a large segment of the U.S. population. Second, there is currently little research on the consumption of the acai berry as a human food. What does exist is test tube research on chemical qualities of the food itself, but no clinical trials with human beings to determine the effects of the acai berry when it is consumed as a food. We would point out that current research on the acai berry shows that it is a rich source of some important antioxidant nutrients - especially anthocyanins - and that it seems to have a definite impact on the metabolism of a substance in our body called nitric oxide. This connection would open the door to some potentially important benefits from the acai berry on cardiovascular health

May all your days be filled with sunshine and laughter!!! hugs

Prayers Around The


Prayer for Students

Father of Light and Wisdom,
thank you for giving me
a mind that can know
and a heart that can love.

Help me to keep learning every day of my life-- no matter what the subject may be.
Let me be convinced that all knowledge leads to you
and let me know how to find you and love you
in all the things you have made.

Encourage me when the studies are difficult and when I am tempted to give up
Enlighten me when my brain is slow
and help me to grasp the truth held out to me.

Grant me the grace to put my knowledge to use in building the kingdom of God on earth
so that I may enter the kingdom of God in heaven.