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Three weeks!! OMG

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I just hit day 21. I am very happy. My craves are fewer, but stronger. They are not "gotta have it" type craves, but rather "I don't care anymore" and more of a dip in strength of will. It is funny that my brain has figured out that is where I am the weakest. I am fighting them successfully. I am struggling with eating everything I see, but trying to stay active so it doesn't get too far out of hand. It is amazing how I can smell a smoker from 10 feet away and pick out cars with smokers I pass on the street.... I still find times that I think...I have never done this without a cigarette...and it is funny, I figure out a way to do it and redefine the event. Isn't that what it is all about? Re-defining. I have smoked since i was 19 so I really have not been an adult without smoking. I have not done many activities without smoking. All of my adult coping skills involve a cigarette. So I am learning to redefine how I cope. How I rush to get the smoke in. How to drive...with both hands on the wheel. How to think...this is the hardest one...I still pace outside, away from work and people, I just do it without a cig in my hand and I don't have to solve every problem in 5 life is fun.....Being an Ex is fun..