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Share your quitting journey

This is all new to me

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So, I found this website yesterday when I was trying to Google for ways of quitting.

I read through quite a bit since yesterday and I am really ready to make a vote for a better life and a better me.

I broke down in tears twice today just thinking how hard it will be. I am going to have to re-learn my life and break those triggers. I am feeling a little depressed already because I have been smoking for a such a long time that I feel like I am about to "break up" from a bad relationship. We all know that even when they're bad, it hurts!!!

I have been able to cut down a little today and I only smoked half of my cigarettes as instead the whole ones. I am going to call my health insurance tomorrow and see if they offer any help.

I can't wait until I am all done...I know it will happen soon. I just want to be able to run many and many miles without feeling like I am about to have a heart attack.

I was able to soul search a little today. WHY DIDNT I QUIT BEFORE???? 


me too




welcome cy, congrats on ur quitting, do be upset or cry or afraid this is goi to be great for u. we all were smokers all here for the same thing, im a 40 yr smoker with stage 4 copd end emphysema, wish i woulda quit b4,but i didnt so im here now, im smokefree 280 days also, so it is doable, the 1st 10 days or so can be alittle tuff, but once u pass that ur on ur way, just learn to relive ur life and make it the new and improved u 🙂 read alot, talk alot, drink water exercise,yoga, dont give up so easy eaither. be strong and this will be ur quit grab it hold on tight and u will make it. if i did it after 40 yrs and i smoked for every singel reason there was, i no u can do this. so hang in there ok. dont be afraid to ask for help. joanne, a 40yr smoker ,2-3 pksaday,,smokefree 280 days


I am where you are also.  I am anxious and emotional that I will be smoke free tomorrow.  I cry too when I think about the difficulties in store.  I know we can do this. 



Thank you so much for all the encouraging words.

I trully hope that I still stand a chance with my health. I am 30 years old, been smoking for over half of my life and now I am starting to freak out just thinking that I could've messed up something already. I found two stains on my lips yesterday and I am afraid that could be from smoking.

I've claimed to love myself but all I've done was to POISON me.

You should be so proud of yourself. You did it! Your experience will guide me and help me through this. You are a very strong person and I will be one as well pretty soon. Thanks 🙂


October 2001:

I know its all scary right now, but continue reading and getting help and support from friends/family!

Lets do this for a better life! I am still to tell myself when I will be quitting, but I am cutting down and breaking away from my triggers. Thats all I can do for now. I can't say I will tomorrow because I still need to understand all of this.

Goog job, that's a good start!

Hello and welcome to the site! The support here is great! The fear you are feeling is the hardest part! Get past that and you are on your way! You can do this! I smoked for 40 years and I quit over a year ago! Reading to prepare has helped so many of us. Read the free course at - and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download - Stay here - read- blog - you can do this!

Thank you so much Strudel! I will stick around and make it through!! 🙂


Listen to Sturdel and do the reading. What an honest God send those suggestions are. And this site is so full of loving, supportive and kind people who will still call you on your bs if need be. 😉 We're all here for you. Good luck! 
