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This Wasn’t A Dream

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I stood there with a lit cigarette in my hand. What a stupid thing to do with my life I thought, but I took a drag anyway. It burned as I inhaled the poison into my lungs. The smoke curling into my face, watering my eyes, the heavy chest & labored breathing was my only reward for this exercise. I hadn’t enjoyed a cigarette in years & knew that I wouldn’t enjoy this one but I did it anyway. I was thinking as I had many times in the past how stupid smoking is. I was so tired of this addiction. I didn’t know I had a choice.

This was my life when I began this cessation journey. Thirty times a day I berated myself at how stupid I was to continue yet I pressed on. In the beginning I was so afraid. How would I live my life without my friend & companion of so many years. How would I face the urges that were sure to overwhelm me. But I met those fears head on & found them an empty threat. I followed blindly the advice given me by those that had ANY quit longer than my own.

A thanks to those of you here who have picked up the torch & helped those along who have hard times. You don’t have to do it but you do & I understand why. Hopefully those you help will also understand one day.

Thank you to every newbie that struggles here. You help me keep it green by reminding me of  where I was that evening 10 years ago today. Remember…you aren’t losing anything…you’re gaining your life back.

May your journey take you to where I am today & beyond.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @...smoke free for 10 years, 7 hours, 6 minutes and 5 seconds...6...7...8...9...

About the Author
I began this quit journey on October 1, 2004. I'm not doing it for my wife or children nor in memory of the many family members or friends I have lost due to this addiction. I'm doing it for Mike. "The only real threat to your quit is between your ears" ~ Me "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor" ~ English proverb "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trial" ~ Chinese proverb I'd rather be a non-smoker who thinks about smoking once in awhile, than a smoker who's always thinking about quitting" ~ Anonymous ~