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Share your quitting journey

Thirty Four Days

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Well actually if you look at my clock it's still 33 days. I am positive that i won't be smoking in the next hour.

Things are going really well. Had to cancel a dinner at a friends 2 weeks ago because her husband smokes and i felt i wasn't ready to be around it yet. I kinda felt bad because they didn't really get it! you know, they didn't get it. I was very disappointed and almost hurt in a way. They can't see that's it's so much bigger than the cigarettes themselves. Any way i finally got over it and told her that if she wanted us to come over i was ready.

I told someone elsethat i had quit and they said " why?" I about choked. I was kinda stunned. I haven't told many people that i've quit but most are very supportive and so happy for me and say that's great.

My mom's the best every E-mail she tells me she is cheering for me and how proud she is and how happy she is for me. I have to say my mom is the most important person in my life next to my husband.

Been lucky no real stressful situations yet, which seems unusual because it always seemed something was going wrong. Maybe it was the stress the smoking put me under that made things seems worse. I have read that smoking keeps you in a state of stress.

Anyway doing well. Thanks to everyone here for your support.