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Share your quitting journey

The perfect time of year to be 30 days quit.

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It's almost Christmas, a time of  love, joy and blessings all around. It's a time to be thankful, to remember, to share, to love, celebrate and to forgive. It's my favorite time of year and the first Christmas I have been smoke-free. Now that is something to be thankful for.  Thirty whole days!

If not for the thoughts, support, and kind words of others here this quit journey would have been far more difficult. The times I felt alone and unsure of myself, I honestly could feel all of you telling me to "hang on,.. you can do it!"

Whether it's your day one or day 300, don't be alone with your quit. I truly believe that is the key, have the support of others that know what you are going through. It will help you stay positive and reinforce the belief that   yes, you too can do it.

Thanks, love & hugs to all of you here.
