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Share your quitting journey

The one thing I don't like about the patch.

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I accidentally fell asleep tonight at 7. I guess I didn't want to listen to my husband play video games all night... 😃

I accidentally fell asleep tonight at 7...with my patch on!!!

The dreams I have are beyond ridiculous and disturbing. One of the dreams was too awful for me to even blog about, I mean, okay, I'm sort of exaggerating, but not really. I could blog about it, and it wasn't graphically violent or sexual or anything, but it was really upsetting, so I don't want to think about it. The other one, I dreamt I was in Tokyo with my husband, and at the airport, we got separated, and none of the terminals had the destinations posted, so I was going around, asking people where the plane for where I was going (I have no idea where it was) was, and nobody knew. Then, my husband found me, and was saying, "Where were you? It's over here," but we missed the plane and were taking a taxi to try to catch up with it. Huh?

So, yeah, anyway, I really, really need to take off the patch at night, or I spend the entire next day out of sorts about the strange things my mind apparently contains.

But, while I was sleeping, my counter gave me a W! As in I've been quit for One week, 3 hours, 46 minutes and 42 seconds. 121 cigarettes not smoked, saving $33.15. Life saved: 10 hours, 5 minutes.

Several years ago I tried the patch and had horrific dreams! I stopped wearing them at night. My son made a quit attempt recently with the patch and had night terrors! He stopped using it (didn't quit yet) but doesn't that tell us something in what nicotine we are getting from that patch and the effect it has on our minds?
Good morning Brenda. I've used patches for about 3 weeks or so now. Same here--have slept in them several times & end up having weird dreams. I've found if I take them off right before going to bed I don't have the dreams. Also had a weird "smoking dream" not too long ago. I can't remember now if I was wearing a patch that night or not, but I according to some research I've been doing smoking dreams are common among people quitting. If you have one of those, don't be too alarmed--it's part of it. Hang in there. & Congratulations on 1 week!!! You're well on you way now--great feeling isn't it!!!
Patch dreams, OH YEAH!
Hey, Sandra, I didn't make the connection, but that's a great point.

Thanks, Karen!