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The Wind Beneath My Wings...

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My Dad was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in September '06 and fought a long, hard battle for 11 months. I am so very proud of him. After traditional treatments did not help, he went into an experimental program knowing the odds were very slim to none for him but that someday it may help others.

FLASH BACK - 1985: As a young, new Mom, I contacted Shingles. I had plans for a trip home the following week. Called my parents to tell them; they were worried about me getting on a plane sick, with a newborn. We were having a 3-way conversation when my Mom said "Let me and your Father get off the phone for a few minutes and talk about this and we'll call you back."

An hour later I'm still waiting, so I call and Mom answers the phone and says "He's left."

Me: "Left for where?"

Mom: "To come get you."

Me: "To come GET me??? In COLORADO???"

Mom: "Yes, he's on his way." Silence¦. "Mom, he DOES realize this isn't like going around the corner to bring the newspaper to Grandmas' house right?" My parents lived in NJ and I lived in Boulder, CO at the time! 1,800 miles away and it was after 11pm when he left! Mom says to me "We got off the phone, he looked at me and said, "Start making me some sandwiches while I pack some clothes." Mom said she knew better than to try to talk him out of it when she saw the look on his face. She said he was out the door and on the road in less than 10 minutes.

My Dad had many, many wonderful friends he'd know since he was a small child. These friendships had endured through all these years. When he passed way at 75, it was great to see them all turn out in tribute to a great man. People he'd literally known, and stayed friends with, since he was in kindergarten and 1st grade! His funeral was amazing. The place was packed “ which is amazing for someone of this age “ you only expect to see that with younger people. He was dearly loved by so, so many people¦

FLASHBACK: I got married a few years after that Colorado/NJ trip. At my wedding, my Father/Daughter dance was "Wind Beneath my Wings." There is no song more appropriate in this world to explain, acknowledge or honor my relationship with my Dad.


Yes, my Dad is my hero. Ever since that night he got in his car and drove 1,800 to rescue his daughter and newborn grandson; He is, was, and always shall be, "the wind beneath my wings".

Did you ever know that you're my hero,

and everything I wish I could be?

I can fly higher than an eagle,

"cause you are the Wind Beneath My Wings"

RIP Pop 01/07/32 - 08/20/07

Hi Babs, I lost my Dad to the same disease 10 years ago. I know how you feel on the one year anniversary of his passing and you've written a beautiful tribute to him. He's reading it and feeling it - I do believe in angels.
Hugs. Laura
What a nice story - he sounds like he was a pretty remarkable man with a lot of love for his daughter. Thanks for sharing that memory.
What a beautiful tribute to your Dad Barbara. I am goosebumping and teary eyed as well. It's obvious that he loved you so much...His spirit will always be with you, just as my Dad's is with me. I'm proud of you for writing that -- I know it was not easy, but your Dad will live on because of YOU! Happy 60 days kiddo!!
It is
wonderful how EX works!
Your Dad is very proud of you today. These are the things we should remember, and thr sort of tibutes that should be pais on a regular basis.
What a lovely tribute to your dad, Babs. No matter how old we get, some of us will just always be daddy's little girl. I lost my dad to lung cancer in 2001. I still can't believe it's been that long. You were very blessed to have such a loving dad, and he was blessed by you, too.
God has blessed you....... I know I'm a few days late. sounds like you have wonderful memories to keep you going. I think thats great....

Thank you all so much for your wonderful responses. My Dad was a truly awesome guy who was loved by many, many people.
I won't go into too many boring details, but there was one major concern Dad was very worried about once he got his diagnosis. I have a mentally handicapped sister who lived with my parents her entire life and they knew they needed to do something quickly to get her placed in a supervised home. Eleven months later my Mom got the call that they found a place for my sister. Ironically while she is receiving this phone call at the house, we had just left the Hospice hospital to bring Dad home so that he could have his wish to die at home. My older sister and I moved our younger sister into her new home 5 days later. Dad was failing quickly at this point and we knew it wouldn't be much longer. My sister and I told him several times that day that he needn't worry about her any longer, that all was taken care of, that Carol was safe and that Mom would be okay. He was pretty unresponsive at this point but showed indications to both my sister and I that he heard us and understood what we were telling him. He died a few hours later.
They say that when someone who is dying has unfinished business they oftentimes fight to stay alive until they know that all is taken care of. I strongly believe that my Dad struggled to stay alive those past few days until he knew my sister was okay and that his last unfinished business had been taken care of.
He died once until he knew the final chapter in his life had been written.
Pop's last dance...

Babs what a touching story I know how badly it hurts to lose a parent I am here if you need anything drop me a line whenever! I am so sorry.Your dad sounds like he was a amazing person.
Thanks Aly,
One year ago today he passed away...
It is an AWESOME song, isn't it? Every time I hear this song, I stop and have a quiet reflective moment to think about my Dad and my relationship with him and how much I love him.
I am working on a online tribute that together incorporates pics from his life and this song. Hope to have it done in a few days!

a beautiful and touching story, full of love and depth.

funny, wind beneath my wings is my special song with my dad, too.... he passed away as well~ at age 54 and me age 21... love lives on, always

Life is strange and wonderful and these precious moments like you described are what its all about.

trying to understand from this post, did your father just recently pass?

blessings to you and yours and congrats on your amazing quit~ what a gift to your family!

Hi Babs, my grandfather died on Aug 8th 2008 and your dad sounds so much like my grandfather. He also drove 1000 miles to come and get me when I was younger because my car would not start. He was also my hero, my rock and the best man I have ever known. I truly understand your loss even after a year it must still be so hard. How we will miss them both so very much for the rest of our lifes. Your in my prayers!!!
Thanks...the memories your story brought back are bitter-sweet, for sure.Thank you