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The Season Is Changing! The Season Is Changing!

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A blog this week by @tburton1004  reminded me that the season changing might surprise some with thoughts of smoking. If you have quit in the past two years (and sometimes even if it's been longer), you might be surprised by a random thought that you want to smoke.  You don't have a lot of practice relearning the seasonal experiences/events as an ex-smoker, so it stands to reason you might think about smoking now.

The idea is to relearn the associations and triggers associated with the change in seasons. If you always sat out on the deck with your smokes, change the furniture around so the view is different, sit on the railing, change the chair cushions, or buy a big potted plant with some of your smober savings. To this day, even after more than ten years quit, I might think, “gee, a cigarette might be nice right now.” when I take a break from raking leaves in the Fall or sitting on the beach watching a sunrise in the summer. I now treat myself with a small Pepsi over crushed ice for a chore break “reward,” and walk the edge of the surf instead of sitting.

Be prepared, not alarmed! Perfectly normal and nothing to be feared or anxious about. Just a shake of the head and maybe a deep breath is all that is required to stay quit for the long haul.


About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.