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The Exer Within!

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There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it,
perhaps,  for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle
for less.  Kurt Hahn

Each of us has within us a person who wishes to live LIfe Abundantly! We want Happiness, Health and Well-being! But so often we can't find our way to this way of life, especially as addicts! Yes, Smoker, I am speaking of You and of Me! I'm not saying that smoking caused every unhappiness that ever came my way, but I DO know that in spite of my diagnosis of COPD that when I quit smoking and began living addiction free I discovered something remarkable! For me, emotions are a choice! If I want to be Happy, it's not dependent on what job I have (or if I have a job), what home I live in or even how lucky I was to pick and get a FANTASTIC Wife! I could have all of these things and be miserable or none of them and be Happy! Happiness depends on ATTITUDE! And attitude is a CHOICE! All I have to do is make a DECISION and HONOR it with my total being! Living Life Abundantly is all I'm willing to settle for with whatever life I have left in me! You see, I don't believe that I have less Quality of Life than the next guy, no matter what the medical community says! My Quality of Life is Better than ever!!! Every single moment of health I have I use to the max - I don't have time for emotional bloodsuckers (you know who I'm talking about!) My time is preciously valuable and I will use it to affirm LIFE with every action I take! I'm more honest, direct and assertive because I have no time for game playing! Imagine somebody who thinks they'll live forever and so never strive to excell ! But only the Father knows the length of his days! I don't know if I live longer than him but I do know I will live Better than him because I know that time is a very limited commodity! LIVE LIFE to the fullest! Embrace each day with a grin on your face and gratitude in your heart! It really is up to you! Why settle for less?

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1