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Share your quitting journey

Thank you, one and all!!!

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Hello All, today is day 70 without a cigarette. I know I haven't been around much lately but I wanted to thank everyone here for all the help and support I received. WOW!!! When this started I would see others that had gone months without smoking and I would secretly wonder if I could do it and how it would feel. Well now I know. For all the newbies out there, you can do this. It does get easier and the urges really do become less and less. After 40+ years smoking it really is a great feeling to have won my independence. No more standing in the cold and rain to smoke. No more checking out the line at airport security to see if I can smoke just one more cigarette. No more running out to the store in the middle of the night to not run out of cigarettes. I could smell a smoker on the elevator this morning (did I really smell like that????). The best advise I can give is to not magnify your urges. Don't let them be more than they really are. If you take an honest assessment of your urge it will surprise you that they really aren't that bad. The battle is in your head and trust me, if I can quit, ANYONE can!!!!!! Thanks again. There are a lot of great folks on this site. Stay strong and visit often!!!!