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Thank You Friends!

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It has taken me a few days to get some matters taken care of, and I just think that we so seldom thank all the people in our lives that have been there for us when we have been down, distraught, or have felt used.
I have so many friends here that have reached out to me in my time of need and lifted my spirits, put a smile where there was a tear....and just generally reached out their hand to me.
I owe each and everyone of you thanks and I thought the best way to do it might be by this blog.
A very good Christian friend of mine that has seen me go through so many illness and pain told me once that "God only gives you as much as you can carry, and dang He sure must think you are a strong person"!
I am a strong person, but people become stronger by the friends that they have as well as their faith.
The last two weeks have been pure hell for me and all my friends here at EX have checked in with me daily, sent me cute pick me up cards and have really helped me through a very difficult time.
I don't know if "THANK YOU" is enough......and I don't know any of you except for being on line, yet I hold you all very close to my heart and cherish each and everyone of you.
Today I can say it has been 3 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes, and 25 seconds, not just that I have been an EX, but because I have met the most phenomenal people in the world.
God Bless Each of You!
no step toward being there for you was ever too hard, thank you for being you peace!
Claudia, you couldn't have put it better. I have been so busy the past few days, that I haven't gotten to be on here much, and I truly felt as though I was missing an important part of my daily life. Thanks for the thanks, and the same goes to you!!!!
Ditto, been busy the past few days (actually a little under the weather) and here it is: 28 days or 4 weeks smoke free. Thank you all for being so supportive, I can truly relate to how important this site has been in my quit plan. I could not have done it without you all.
You are such an amazing woman....I am proud to be one of your friend's !!!!
Want to thank me (us) ??? STAY QUIT !!!!! PROMISE if you are craving REAL will come here - FIRST - read, and write anyone on line !!! ANYONE !!!!!

Love you, lady - you have found a place in my heart, DANG IT !!!! LOL