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Today marks nine months since I have taken even one puff from a cigarette and I am tooting my own horn as I am so gosh-darned pleased!!

Many of you know that I've had a few times during this current quit where I've been on the verge of relapse, but the support of my fellow EXer's has helped keep me in line.

I will say the core of my compliance to the standard of NOPE has come from the fact that I have offered a precious wooden cross as collateral should I screw up and go back to smoking, even if it's "just one puff".  The cross is carved from the wood of an olive tree grown in the holy land, and I treasure it. If I should choose to smoke, I will lose this cross that my daughter-in-law gave to me when my husband passed.  (Just like I would lose a  house if I put it up as collateral and could not make the promised loan payments.)

It has taken me over 60 years of hard and heavy smoking to get me to this point. I have COPD, heart irregularities requiring a surgically implanted defribrillator / pacemaker, and a recent surgery on a clogged carotid artery leading to my brain in order to avoid the threat of an impending stroke. 

Added to these medical problems are late-stage periodontal disease and an aortic aneurysm.

For some time now, I have been aware of my COPD, heart issues, and my aneurysm, but I kept on smoking anyway. Even as my beloved late husband Pete struggled with Stage IV lung cancer, I kept on smoking.

Later, when I learned that my brain was not receiving sufficient oxygen, I kept on smoking. However, with prodding from my surgeon, I finally quit 5 days before that surgery in late August, 2019.

But, did I stay quit? No!

In early November, a one-cigarette "slip" led to my eventual total relapse in late December 2019. 

This is the madness of nicotine addiction. 

Thank God -- literally -- I came to my senses and went back into recovery on January 6, 2020.

I can never let my guard down as I believe I will always be additcted to nicotine. So I must stay the course, strictly adhering to the mantra of Not One Puff Ever (NOPE) -- no matter what (NMW); that means NO MATTER WHAT  may be happening in my life to cause stress, anger, sadness or any of the additional triggers that have fueled my smoking history.

But, for today, I am allowing myself to settle back a bit and  bask in the knowledge that I am *** NINE *** MONTHS *** SMOKE- FREE *** for the first time since age 15. 

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SuzyQ411‌ - that is fantastic! You should toot your horn, it's a huge accomplishment! Thank you for your support, I appreciate you! 


And thank you smiling_accountant‌ !! BTW you are almost at your *** THREE *** MONTHS *** FREE *** mark and have lots to celebrate yourself!! Keep on keeping on, one day at a time XOX


In that nine months you gave birth to a solid, forever quit!


(and thanks for all you do to enhance our community!)




They used to call that a full term quit on the Q


Gotcha, Dale, lol. Nine months = full term. 

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thank you smiley face.jpgI really appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement, Nancy. I remember your sending me your traditional welcome post and I thought I'd never get through all those readings. I believe I read a great share of them. Plus,  Alan Carr and I spent quite a bit of time together as well. I remember being so bummed out because I had relapsed. I was so disappointed in myself and was really questioning if I had it in me to start again. In fact, I wasn't sure I even wanted to try again. I remember the first time you suggested I stick my head in the freezer; I opened the door to take a quick breath in, and all I could see was how very much it needed a good cleaning, lol. So, I just slammed that door shut! But, here I am, nine months later totally clean of tobacco. In my plan to get off the nicotine gum, I am now cutting the 2mg squares into 4 pieces (instead of in half). Today I bought just a small package instead of my usual 100 piece size and am aiming to be off it totally within the month.  One day at a time. Thanks again for everything, my friend~


Suzy, keep tooting! That is awesome 9 months.. 3/4 through the first year..



thank you artistic.jpg Thanks WhispersQSMB‌ for your encouragement and congrats! I'm gonna toot 'til my mouth gets sore, lol


Pretty special cross that, from the Holy Land.  Pretty special quit.  Tooting my horn to join with yours in a horn symphony!  Fortunately you didn't stray for long after that December relapse.  You got right back on the horse.  And in three months I will have the pleasure of adding you to the Elder's List.  

No, we can never let our guard down.  That's one of the reasons I've stayed connected to this site for 13 years.  I don't want to ever forget from where I came.  I find it so strange that I've gone from the fear of quitting to the fear of relapsing.  It's like 180 degrees.  It's not relapsing that I'm really afraid of, it's having to go through another Day One.  Most who relapse always hope to quit again.  I know that would be true for me also.  If I began smoking again and said, I don't care what the effect is on my body, on my quality of life, I'm just going to enjoy myself and SMOKE 'til the day I die - it would be one thing.  Then I'd never have another Day One.  But of course once you've wised up, you can't pretend any more.  And so you're gonna try again.  And that inevitably means another Day One.  There really does come a point when it's easier to remain free than to start all over again.  It's the thought of another Day One that I believe ultimately keeps my quit safe.  It's not the fear of the guilt of relapse, it's the fear of that desperate, constant NEEDING.  The constant thinking about cigarettes.  The freedom from that is almost indescribable.

But every once in a while I would still like a cigarette.  That is just what's so.  And as I say on my page, "If you still want one, you're still vulnerable.  Protect your quit."  I.e. - we can't let our guards down.



                                                      Congratulations on Nine Months  Smoke Free!


Toot Toot! Congratulations on 9 months!


Congratulations on your 9 months of freedom.


Keep up the good quit


Whoo hoo Suzy I'm so proud of you CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic fabulous beautiful glorious wonderful humongous ginormous magnificent amazing spectacular splendiferous stupendous awesome 9 precious Smokefree months and heading straight for the 6% Club YAY for each and every Day WON I'm so happy that you are with all of us here at Ex  hip hip hooray whoopee lets CELEBRATE because I absolutely love CELEBRATING MILESTONES!



Suzy I'm so glad you have found the strength to do so well on this forever quit



       9 Months of 

Smoke Free Living is



pastedImage_1.jpgSuzyQ411 Toot away dear Suzy...Congratulations to 9 months of freedom ... You are doing step in front of the other...bask away And Enjoy your day...xoxoxoxo ~ Colleen 674 DOF 


CONGRATULATIONS my dear friend SUZY!!  9 Months FREE!!!


Well said, Suzy! Congratulations on 9 months. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for sharing your experiences as you travel the smobriety road. 


Your cross is so beautiful, Suzy.  I can just see it in your palm with your fingers wrapped around it.  You have every right to toot your horn!  I am so proud of you and so blessed to call you "friend".  Keep it up, girlfriend, you are doing FANTASTICALLY, AWESOMELY well!   Love, Bonnie


Congratulations SuzyQ411‌!!!


There's a lot of good stuff in your response Giulia‌ and I found myself shaking my head "yes" to much of it. You have a way of always getting right to the point and holding my attention. I plan to keep my guard up and am looking forward to being one year quit just 3 months from now 


Thank you RoseH‌ for the congrats, confetti and balloons! Love them all and appreciate your support as well 


Thanks for adding your toots and congratulations kristen-9.7.15


Thanks Terry meWisconsin‌ for you support and congrats! 


Thank you MarilynH‌ for the hoopla.. felt like a party in my honor 


Whooda thunk it, eh Carl Cousin-Itt‌? Now I'm chugging ahead for the one year mark!! I truly appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement; I consider you one of my main cheerleaders 


I can almost hear your tooting sweetplt‌.. thanks for your continued support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Thank you my friend Christine13‌... you've stayed with me through all the ups and downs of this quit of mine and I'm so happy for your friendship and onoing encouragment 


Thanks for celebrating with me maryfreecig‌ 


Thank you so much Bonnie for your support and encouragement over the past 9.5 months that I've been a member here on the EX. Glad we are having the opportunity to "make friends" and learning about one another 


Thank you so much noetoez‌!! (Everytime I write your EX name, it makes me think you have no toes; sure hope I am wrong!!)... Appreciate your support on this rough ride!!! 


I have two sisters whom I love dearly; we are very close and share a long history. I emailed them a copy of this post and want to share parts of their responses with you:

From Pat (1.5 years younger than me)

This brought me to tears and actual sobs. Thinking about what you have been through and endured all alone but also with the help of your support group. It made me think about the outside stairway in the cellar where you used to smoke as a teenager and left your butts there .... until they were discovered by Dad. That was sure fun!!

It reminded me of my own smoking and my eventual sickness that finally made me quit. It paled in comparison to what you have gone through but was enough that I didn’t want to continue doing this to myself

I know what a hard journey this has been and will continue to be  but it is more than worth it.  And I know you have already figured this out but wanted to say it anyway to encourage you to stay on the path

I am so proud of you and love you and Linda so much. You both have been with me in my own journey of life and are so much a part of me. I hope and pray we can see each other soon. Love, hugs and kisses to you both 


(From Linda, 9.5 years younger than me)

Hey sisters,


I am responding to Suzy’s email and Pat’s reply.


I am very proud of you Suzy, I know this wasn’t easy, and the effort continues.  However, today is the day to celebrate and toot and say Wahoo!  I enjoyed both Suzy’s post and Pat’s reply – ahh – memories – good and bad – flood in!


Thanks to you both for sharing your thoughts and your love.



Lil Sis


I am blessed


haha! I have toes. My mom used to joke that I would freeze them off by wearing sandals everywhere. 


Glad we got that settled, lol. Now, I will always picture you in sandals instead 


I'll be there when you hit a year and beyond


Congratulations!  U are an inspiration!  God bless and wishing you a wonderful life SMOKE FREE!  


I will look for you there!! 🙂


Thank you so very much Suzinut‌ for your supportive and appreciated comments!


CONGRATULATIONS, Suzy, I am so proud of you!  What an accomplishment!  



Thank you Ellen elvan‌ for all the support and encouragement you have given me these past 9 months; it's really appreciated!!


Congratulations Suzy.  It's good to know that the possibility for true freedom does exist.  May your 9 months turn into many, many years.


2 Days of Freedom


That is AWESOME! I hope to get that far! My quit date is the 10th!!! Congratulations!


Thank you Pam and a big congratulations on being *** TWO *** DAYS *** FREE ** !!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee. Stay the course. One day at a time. Not even one puff. You can do this!!


Thanks for your congrats jeannie-1‌ and I send congrats to you for having picked a quit date!! That's the first step in getting freedom from the nicodemon (hey, that rhymes)  

About the Author
Prior to my first quitting on 8/25/2019, I was a heavy smoker for over 60 years. That time, I quit due to health concerns regarding clogged arteries to my brain. Tar deposits from cigarettes were making the situation worse. I had become a prime candidate for a stroke and required surgery to clean out my left carotid artery. I have relapsed 4X since that quit, the last one being on 05.15.2022. ( At one point in all of this madness, I had been quit for 1.5 years). Then on 9/7/2021 I began my recent eight month quit before my current relapse. I am in the process of planning a return to the non-smoking life. After more than 2 weeks of smoking, wheezing and coughing and being short of breath, I have set my new quit date of June 1, 2022 as the beginning of my forever quit. I am done with this madness!! God is good.