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On my quit day I still have almost a full pack what do I do? I've tried throwing them away giving them away having someone hide them nothing works... I know I have 15 days before my quit date but already anxious 

... Ugh this is going to be harder then I thought.. Also I'm scared of withdrawals I've heard that there painful and can make people have nervous brake downs..


this is not as bad as you are building it up to be.

start telling yourself to wait when you want to smoke. learn you don't need one every time you want one..


the nicotine is out of your body in 3 days

its not much worse than a bad head cold for 2-3 weeks.

stop building it up


Fear of failure and the lack of a complete commitment is the hardest part, I think.  There are lots of links out there with excellent resources to help you reframe your thinking (which for me, had made me much less fearful).  Most likely, someone will come along and post some soon.  Make sure you friend some EXperts (people with long quits behind them and a history of helping people).  READ THE THINGS THEY SET YOU UP WILL help!!!
I have 5 days until my forever quit (July 1st), but I've been through the first 30 days several times (I always get blindsided later in a quit...but not this time!  I'll be ready!!!), and I've had it go several ways.  Sometimes,'s been hard.  But other times, relatively painless.  I really, truly believe that it has everything to do with your mindset.  If you simply decide, with finality, that you are not going to have that "Am I going to cave and smoke or am I going to stay with this quit?" conversation, it's MUCH easier.  Just decide to do it.  Then do it.  Delay and distract and the urge will pass.  xo~mlb


I've tried so meany times unsessfuly! This time feels right.. I know smoking is an addition additions never thought I ha now I know this is the right thing to do.. Got a great support team standing by me and I'm ready and want to do it this time ; ) I'm goimng to be amazing 


Yes you are going to be truly amazing and you are going to succeed.  Smoking is just and addiction, and you are stronger that it.  Before I quit I cut down to 4 smokes a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night, so I got a feeling of being nicotine free for about 8 hours of the day.  I took note of the feeling, my sense of smell came back, I didn't cough so much, obviously I wrecked it all by having a smoke.  When I finally put down that last cigarette I knew that this was my forever quit. I prayed to God to help me overcome this habit.

Brenda ex-smoker


the habit part takes longer than the addiction part.

the nicotine feeds the addiction but the memories and motions of smoking are more deeply engrained.

promise yourself you will not smoke for 130 days from your last puff

Mike.n.Atlanta're gonna laugh at yourself later when you find that your fears were unfounded. Withdrawals aren't painful. The best advice that was given me about fighting withdrawal was this…relax. Just let yourself go and let it come, welcome it & let it wash right over you. Then as quickly as it came it's gone again. Now, if that means repeating every two to five minutes then so be it. The feeling that came over me when I did this was a feeling of power, a feeling of control over something that had ruled my life for so long. You can do this too. Get informed about our addiction & make a sincere commitment. You CAN do this.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Here is the link to the Allen Carr book.

I also liked

None of these resources will lecture you about the hazards of smoking. They will educate you on nicotine addiction which is the real key to quitting for good.


What you do on your quit day  if you have left over cigarettes in your pack is put them in the sink and run water over them until they are unsmokable. 

Take it one day at at time.  Wake up and say "Today I will not smoke.  Just today."  24 hours.  Not that big a deal.  Every time the urge comes, say it again.  "I will not smoke today."  Then go do something to get your mind off it.  There are many tricks to help combat cravings - I used to "pretend smoke" a straw.  Some people put rubber bands on their wrist and snap them.  Carry water with you all day and drink it.  Take deep, slow breaths.  Most importantly HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR ABOUT IT ALL.  It's not the end of your world, it's the BEGINNING!

The next 15 days you spend reading as much as you can on here and on the links provided.  You get yourself a really strong plan for the first few days you're quit.  You turn your thinking around to embrace the positives and excrete  the negatives.  Quitting can be the most incredibly exciting challenge of your life!  Get excited about it!  We're excited for you.