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Stop Eating Sugar

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I read an interesting article today and the caption was

"Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar"

The sugar statistics in the U.S. are pretty dreary. They say the typical American eats 6 cups of sugar every week. That’s 152 pounds of sugar in a year! Why are we eating so much sugar? First of all, it’s everywhere. As the most popular food additive in processed foods, sugar is hard to avoid. Secondly, it’s highly addictive. Most of us are addicted to sugar, whether we realize it or not. To stop eating sugar is a difficult task, but it can be done, and the rewards are many! Let’s take a look at 12 things that happen when you stop eating sugar.

You’ll become more mentally sharp

Want to increase mental productivity and improve cognition? Stop eating sugar. Once you do, you’ll find how much more focused and clear your mind becomes. Brain health is sabotaged when you’re addicted to sugar. 

You’ll lose weight

Eating too much sugar makes your brain think it’s still hungry when in reality, there’s no need to keep eating. What’s more, sugar also causes changes in the brain, making it addicted to sugar, and craving more and more sugar the more you eat. It’s a highly vicious cycle. While everyone’s weight loss journey is different, no matter who you are — when you stop eating sugar, you’ll lose weight much easier.

You’ll feel lighter, brighter, and happier

Sure, eating your favorite cake or ice cream may make you feel better in the short term, but over the long haul, your mental health can take a beating. Did you know that eating too much sugar is linked to depression?

Your skin will glow

A high-sugar diet has been linked to skin conditions like acne, pimples, rashes, and blemishes.

You won’t get sick as often

When you eat too much sugar, you wreak havoc on your immune system. But, when you stop eating sugar, your immune system is able to function in the way it was designed. The chronic inflammation linked to high sugar consumption lowers your immune response, making you more susceptible to colds and flus throughout the year.

You’ll age slower

Want to find the fountain of youth? Stop eating sugar.

You’ll have better breath

Has your partner ever complained of your bad breath? Maybe you’ve even noticed your own bad breath from time to time. If so, you’ll want to stop eating sugar.

You’ll have healthier teeth

To preserve your teeth and prevent bigger problems like root canals, you’ll want to do your best to stop eating sugar.

You’ll sleep better

Ofcourse you would.


Instead of 

"You stop eating sugar" I read it as

"You stop smoking cigarettes"


It does make sense still....try to read again...

All the best stop smoking cigarettes ..
Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 10.22.10 PM.png
The source of an article "Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar" is as below. 


About the Author
November 26, 2013 is my quit date. I regard this day as my second birth!. I am doing fantastic after quit. I did it cold turkey. I express my gratitude to EX members and this site for my QUIT.