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Share your quitting journey

Still scared

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For the past 4 days,I have managed to stay totally away from the smokers while they are smoking at home (we always smoke outside, never in the house) and fortunately no one I am around at work smokes. This morning as I walked out the door to head off to work, there it was, a half smoked cigarette and I know I heard it call my name. There was even a lighter right next to it and I know it flicked itself at the same time the cigarette said "psst psst, hey before you go, lets get together for a quick puff" Well I managed to keep going and not touch it, but I am so afraid of the day I walk out the door and hubby is sitting there smoking and I can smell it!! These cravings right now are sooo hard even with the patch. I read the blogs and comments here and I see from others that it really doesn't get much better for awhile. And then I wonder how much is this patch helping and what is going to happen to me when I don't have that! My sister and brother both smoked, laid them down cold turkey and never seemed to have a problem even when I smoked around them. They didn't even gain that much weight. Why can't it be that easy for me. I smoked the entire time I was taking care of my Mom who was dying from lung cancer. A few minutes after she passed and I had to call the hospice nurse to come, I was on the phone telling them my mother had just passed away while I was lighting that cigarette. And trust me, her passing was not oh so peaceful by any means. Certainly not the way I want to die. But I am still fighting the urge to go have "just one more." Thankfully I did not give in this morning, but with each craving I think my resolve is weakening rather than getting tougher. When does it begin to subside? How do you get around family members that smoke?
Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words.
Hey Sandra.. You're doing a great job!! I know what it's like to have smokers in the family, my mother still smokes, but doesn't go completely outside. She will stand by the back door and blow the smoke out.. although it doesn't really work much, but I can't complain I used to do the same when it was cold. I try to avoid being in that area where she smokes when she is home, and I spray my house and light candles. I find being on this website draws my attention away from it.. and also long walks are great as well. I am haunted by packs of cigarettes lying out every night and morning.. and the smell as well.. but I've watched a million commercials on youtube with photos of lungs and arteries and all that nasty stuff.. so I just think to myself what that person is doing to themself when they are smoking and I KNOW that it is not what I truly want for myself... and that any part of me that wants that.. is just the addict in me. I truly wish you continued success!!
Step outside and take a deep breath. Take five or six deep breaths and feel the cool air deep into your lungs. You got rattled by the trigger of seeing the cigarette this morning and your post reads like you are almost in a full-blown panic over it. We've all been there. It's important that you calm down (the breathing helps) and stop tormenting yourself with all t hese thoughts of failure. You're giving that half-smoked cigarette too much power!

The good news is that you walked past that temptation this morning. You didn't relapse. Take some pride and encouragement from that!

As for how long cravings last for patch users, I have to defer to others on that. I have no idea.

A half smoked cigarette is about appealing and the one that was under your car seat for 3 months or a good round of constipation.

Get over that.

Well you did a good job of getting past that butt this morning...that was's hard when someone else in your home smokes, even outside, but you are doing this for yourself....some people can just put the cigs down and that's it, I wasn't one of them...there is nothing wrong with that...just do whatever you need to to remain smoke can do this, where and when you smoked is in the past....just take deep breaths, stay are a non smoker....
Next time that happens put that butt on the ground and jump up and down on it while cussing loudly. Break the lighter under your heel. Do a physical activity to kick the crap out of the half smoked cigg. And don't worry about hubby or whoever being pissed over the loss of a 1/2 smoked cigg or a lighter. They can and will get more until they quit but it is not worth endangering your quit.

When I was 6 weeks into my quit I was cleaning off my porch after guests and found a cigg with just a few puffs taken off it in an ashtray. I was triggered right away like you. There was no one around to see me and the ashtray. I took it inside and threw it away and was haunted all day by the fact that it was in my trash. I blogged about it here but got no peace until I dumped hot water into the trash and took the bag out to the curb. If I had torn that cigg into pieces and stomped on them and taken charge I am sure I would have done better that day!
Jules is right...she went BONKERS !!! But she won...THAT time...and every time since !!! And THAT is what you have to do, Sandra !!!
These craves are in your mind now - the physical addiction is gone !!! You will feel the craves as long as you are still learning how to get rid of them. I used the gum to quit; I was free of ALL nicotine in about 2 weeks !!! WHY ??? Cuz I wanted it !!!! I was SO scared of lung cancer, I said: "NO MORE !!!" I have COPD and emphysema.....and I am trying hard as I can to save my life !!!!
Use your mind - - - say NO...and mean it !!!!
I am re-posting a blog I wrote on Nov. 11th (if I can figure out how ) I hope it helps you !!!!