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Share your quitting journey

Still kicking it

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Hey Y'all!

I'm still here, and I'm still kicking it! Celebrated 3 years smoke free this past 4th of July! Been an exciting year! My oldest daughter was just dropped off at the University of Illinois - Champaign to start her journey in becoming a mechanical engineer! She is also a D1 athlete and will be competing this spring in the discus ring! A bit sad that she isn't at home but that is life. 🚭 No smoking to cope, though in the not so distant past that would've been a go to. Much of the same, how are y'all doing? 


Oh John…. @PrimeNumberJD so good to see you…miss the “oldies but the goodies”…LOL…so happy you are not smoking…me either…Congratulations on 3 years…! Three years, hard to believe, time flies when one isn’t smoking…LOL…

Congratulations and well wishes to your daughters first years of College, very exciting…Happy Friday ~ Colleen 1355 DOF 


Good to see you. What an incredible family!  SO happy you quit  so you will have much more time with them.

I am well, swimming laps most days and walking when it's cool enough.  Life is good for me.

Happy to see it is for you,  too!




gratzz on that long, your daughter sounds like a motivator, sounds like she is doing awesome. Just remember it is your quit, ddon't stumble if she runs into issues. that is what kids do. Hope you and she kick **bleep**!!! 🙂


Great to see you!! Congrats on 3 years and - congrats to your daughter! 


This is very inspiring. Covid lockdowns and my youngest getting ready for college triggered me to the point where I gave up a 4 year quit. Before that I had been smoke free for another 5 years. Just dropped the youngest at college leaning on the smokes to control my emotions. Absolutely the worst plan! Everything I'm going to feel in this life change is valid, and trying to numb with cigarettes is a terrible idea. I've set a quit date of Sept 1st. I really want to be happy and healthy for the grandkids I'll have someday. 


A super CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for 3 + years of Smokefree living YAY for each and every YEAR WON with many more to come let's CELEBRATE because I absolutely love CELEBRATING MILESTONES! @PrimeNumberJD 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Stephanie27 Glad that you're back and working on quitting again. The community is here for you!

@PrimeNumberJD glad to see an update and a new horizon for your family.  That's exciting!

About the Author
36 year old in the process of becoming who I was before cigarettes, just a little older.