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Share your quitting journey

Starting over????

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I have a new quit date. I will make it this time no matter what!!!! I am here to ask for some real help though, I know we get some great advice reading each other's blogs/ posts and all that. I want some real help I want someone to really push me. I need someone to keep me on the path. I know that I can do this it is just much easier with some help. Yes I have help here at home, I have my doctor on my side, I have my family's support with my decision to quit. I even joined the quit line in my state, but you don't get the same coach each time you call in. Heck I don't even know if they have ever had a cigarette. I do know that I am one that wants the extra push. I don't want someone telling me what to do that doesn't work with me it makes me want to do the opposite I've never been one to follow orders given by others very well. I just want someone there so when I have the urge or just need to talk they are there and understand & will talk me down from it.  Is this making sense to anyone? 

I have overcome lots in my life without ever asking for help, now I'm actually asking for help. I won't go into details of my life & what I've overcome to get where I am now.  I just really want someone that has been in our/my situation to take the time to listen to me or whomever maybe it won't be me you decide to help out but someone else. In fact I would be willing to do the same for someone to help them out letting them know there is someone out there that knows what its like to go through it & actually give them the personal time to help them out.

I don't want judged for why I haven't quit, I don't want judged for anything I have done or haven't done, I just want the help not someone telling me what to do or how to do it. I know we all have stuggles in our lives and each one & everyone handles them differently that's why we are individuals.  Lets make us individuals and help each other out!!! 

Here's my help to each and everyone one of you reading this, I care how each of you are doing, how you have made it to where you are today, and if you have had the struggle to do it let me know I sure have. I won't judge you. I will listen to you, care about what you have to say and sure as the heck not judge you for what you do or don't do I wish all of you success in your journey. Support from all is different than being told what to do or how to do it. Support is listening letting you make your own decision but helping you keep on the path you want to be. Success can be yours and mine with the right support, mind set, & attitude towards it. Keep it Positive!!!


hi countrybug, I found in the past 2 plus years  on this site nothing but support. Support is what you want, support is what you'll get! This is a very friendly community, I'm sure anyone who has read a blog or two along with the comments could testify to this. I find that each quit of my own have been completely different than the others I had. I am always up for trying new things that people suggest if my way isn't working. Having an open mind is also a positvie thing. Having and keeping a good attitude about quitting is a wonderful thing and I feel it helped me in my quit. Nothing bad has come of quitting smoking. Asking for help was never a trait of mine but just knowing that I am not alone in my quit makes the world of difference.


Hi Countrybug. Try visiting  There is no lecturing. It is just like you say you want. It educates you on what is going on with your body and validates everything so you don't feel alone. 

We all want you to succeed. You are the main component - make the committment to Never Take Another Puff!  Not One Puff EVER!

You can do it!


Thanks for your blog Country Bug.  I can appreciate what you are saying: no one wants, needs or desrves  to be judged.  Instead you will find a multitude of support here at the EX.  On the other hand, what you want and what you need to quit smoking may be two entirely different things.  If quitting smoking were easy and done softly and sweetly, there would be no smokers on this planet.  People here really want to help one another stop smoking.  That is priority number one.  Commit to yourself that you deserve better than a life of stinking, addiciton, sickness and deplorable quality of life.  Listen to the advice of the EXperts and Elders.  And as they say around here, 'take what you need and leave the rest.' 

This awful addiciton kills way too many people every year.  We are changing that here at the EX.  All the best to you Country Bug


You can do this! Its all up to you, its your choice whether you smoke or not, but we CAN help keep you motivated, we can support you, tell you what we've seen work again and again for people, share our own struggles so you know that you're not alone, and cheer you on.   

You said that you want "real help" and someone to "really push" you... by that do you mean tough love? Do you mean telling you the truth whether its sunshiney and pleasant, or hard to hear?  I would never judge anyone but sometimes when you tell people the truth, instead of what they want to hear, they get angry.  LOL I know that I did when I first got here!!  But I thank God that the Elders and Experts cared enough to help me, whether I liked what they were saying or not.  It sounds like you may be the same. It sounds like you are going to do this!!   So many of us will gladly help and support you so, like Danno said, take whatyou need and leave the rest.

When is your quit date?  Have you read done the prep work on this sites homepage?  I didn't, but a lot of people find it helpful.  Have you read Allen Carr?  That book has helped soooo many of us.





I'm a gentle pusher. (HAR HAR HAR)

I think too many new people take truth as judgement.

two very different things


quitting is the choice between life and is real want to live.......never take another puff.............this is serious stuff......not to be taken lightly.............educate yourself...........the successful people educate themselves..............and come to the ex-community for is that simple..........have a great weekend....jim ohio


You will find no judgment from folks on this site - ever.  

I also joined my state's quit line and was appalled when I called for help that I could actually hear them turn the pages of a looseleaf to come up with a response to what I was saying!   They then read the response to me in a monotone....last time I called THERE!  This site and the community here have been invaluable to my success.

We will stand by you --- always ask us for advice or support when you need it.


Quit 7/4/12


Sweetie..... the judgement comes from you!  No one else.  If you know you can do can.  We are here to help.  In any way... we will be here holding your hand... lending a shoulder.... listening.  It is a very tough journey.... I am not gonna sugar coat it.  Its hard.  but you are SO MUCH STRONGER than a cigarette.  I have had so many very tough moments.... but I get through then,,,, for the sake of my health... my kids....and grandkids.  YOU CAN TOO!!!!!!

Come here everyday.

Make positive affirmations.

KNOW... you will succeed!  WE believe in you.  Always. ❤️


we can support you but it is up to you not to light up, quitting is not easy, but went we set our mine to it. it can be done here is a pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you are not a lone.


I think it has been said just about every way possible! We want to support you but it probably won't be enough if we just empathize with how difficult it is! Suggestions are not judgements! They are just people saying, "sorry you are struggling, try this"! We all want you to succeed and people here seem to know what the heck they're talking about!

Take what you can use and leave the rest! I think Thomas was the first one to give me that advice and he was so right! Hang in there, June 6th is just around the corner and you have some prep work to do!


Hello and welcome again... Pretend this is your first time quitting and allow yourself have a whole new EXperience…Be in the beauty of BEGINNING your new life…no TRYING this time…just a DECISION and honoring that decision every minute of every day come what may!!!

The MOST important thing you can do is educate yourself about the nicotine addiction by reading, reading and more reading…so glad you are here! xo   Helps get the right ‘mindset’ for quitting!    preparing to quit


Some favorite posts from fellow EXers:

This should keep you busy for a while! You don't have time to smoke!!! xo


Hey there. I have smoked for over 40 years and never thought that I could lose the addiction. Listen up! Nicotine is an addiction, a very subtle addiction, but an addiction non the less. Put your mind in a place where you have convinced yourself that you are giving up an addiction and gaining freedom in your life (Allen Carr, Easy Way to Stop Smoking). Celebrate stubbing out your last cigarette and becoming free from the slavery of addiction.  At 59 years old I have finally broken free from nicotine addiction. I have been nicotine-free for about 2 months now and don't even think about smoking. I wish you SUCCESS!   


Thank you all for your support this is what I need & want Thanks so much!!!!