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So mad right now...and all i want to do is go buy a pack of cigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OMG why is it when i argue with my husband i think i need to seems like that is all we have been doing..but everytime we do all i think about is smoking urg...i am not going to let him spoil my quit or anyone..but i am really having a hard time with it right now...i have been on easy street for the past 15 days and now i feel like i have not even quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just in a really bad spot right now..i am not trying to be a downer but this is how i feel right now...just pray for me to make it threw this bad time....N.O.P.E is all i keep telling myself right now URG!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Nancy do what ever it takes to protect your quit! Take a drive ..lock yourself in the bathroom and take a hot bath..Give your hubby ice cream money and get him out of the house lol


this is when quits fall.

don't let it.


It\'s a cat!




Now Now, you just posted a message to me, this is NOT the same tone I heard...

ok how do I say this... nicely?....

it seems like all you're doing is fighting with your husband and thats when you wanna smoke the most.. ?

correct? IS there MAYBEEEE something deep down inside there trying to start a fight so you can go smoke?


PLEASE dont get mad at me if Im wrong... but , this is a very trying time for you, and for him too ...  no matter who starts fights, the best way out of it, is to seperate temporarily, like coug said, go for a drive, send him out, take a hot shower...

Im happy you posted here and I hope you do NOT EVER SMOKE over this or for any reason...

what does smoking have to do with this?


Take deep breaths or go punch the pillow...


I am thinking i just want to tell my hubby means things right now...but you guys are right smoking is not going to solve will just make things worse...all i know is if anyone needs a man they can have mine right now lol...i know we all have a bad days and today is one of mine altho this morning was great...i could just spit nails right now...i think i am just going to go to bed and try to fall asleep...that is all i know to do right now..but it is so early yet....urg i don't know what to do but i am not going to smoke over this fight...i just am not!!! thank you for being there for always you all...going to try to fall asleep...even tho that is hard to do when you are mad! Have a good night everyone.


Hey send him to me... Im in the mood to kick some ash LOL

yeah, I will take care of this situation while you take a long hot bath



soothing music... or live band?

mani/pedi? Im a Manicurist ya know... 🙂


Jo is right! I used to fight with my hubby, as an excuse!!! lol STOP


Jo there i no way i could get mad at i really am not looking for a reason to smoke...i do not want to at all...but it seems like when ever i get mad or upset not only with my husband...but just in general the first thing that comes to my mind is smoking..and i do not know why...maybe because i think it is going to make me feel better...i don't know..i just want everyone to know i want this more than anything...i just get these thoughts when i get upset...but no i am not going to are right i do not smoke no more...i just blogged the other day how easy it has been for me..and then i have a bad spell like this tonight...i guess that is what i get for being so confident..anyways i am not going to let myself down..i will be fine as soon as i calm down...i just come here to vent everytime i get mad...and my husband has quit smoking too...not sure if this is why we seem to be fighting alot lately or what but it will get better...i know it will...i want to thank you for being honest with me...but seriously i am not looking for a reason to smoke...not at all...i just don't like the urges that is what scares me sometimes....anyways thanks for being there for me.


I have gone to bed at 7 pm before... just to end my bad day...

we are allowed to do whatever we want , whatever it takes to stay quit, remember?

sometimes it took a bath, sometimes a shower

a phone call


long drive

alot of trips to Starbucks, have u tried their hot chocolate? YUM

hot fudge sundae at McDonalds is only 1.00 🙂

I love drives, I can SCREAM... where do you think road rage comes from? ...

have you seen this video? LAUGH


Yeah I know, me too dear. when we quit smoking, we have to get used to do ALOT of new things withOUT smoking....

its alwways in my thoughts

tonight I placed my drink in its old spot, making room for my smokes... there are no smokes.. I did that out of habit...

Im over 160 days and Im STILL thinking of the old smoking habits...

and I sure do NOT want to smoke

its just gonna take time to learn a new way of living...

we all are doing it...

sorry for making assumptions

one day Im so happy about my quit

the next day I cant get thoughts out of my head...


everyday can be challenging, no matter how much you are committed to it...

just like marriage... ups and downs...


It will get better.  I promise.  You never know when you will run into a moment when the urge is there so strongly that we can't stand it.  First time triggers are the worst.  Every time you get through a trigger it makes the next that much easier to withstand.  You are doing great.  Just scream if you have to that THIS WILL NOT STOP YOUR QUIT.    We are here for you.  Hang in there.  I know it's tough but so is starting all over again.



This is my thrid time for quitting.........the other night I had a big test! I walked away to somewhere that was quite and took 20 deep breaths! Hang in looks like you have support and to everybody who is trying to quit....... we will get through this!


I am new and havent actually quit yet, but just remember times get tough but YOU are worth every cig you DO NOT smoke. You can do it, just remember to take deep breaths and remember why you wanted to quit smoking in the first place.


Nancy I added an ipod on my profile page...sit on my page and close your eyes let that song just carry you away..its a buetiful song and it really takes your mind off cravings. Thats why I added it.


hang in there, i know it is hard, and when i get mad al i want is a cigg. and i know it is hard to quit with hubby, i did that once it did not work for us,  you can do this, go scream in your pillow or out side i do, i have a long ways to go,, we are going to bet this addiction,


Nancy dont let your anger with your husband ruin your quit. Remind yourself of the reality that a cigarette really will not remove your anger nor solve the problem that cause the arguement to begin with. I know how hard it is because I have been there. When my husband's drug addiction problem ruined our vacation I was so tempted to just go buy a pack of smokes. For every reason I came up with to buy a pack I came up with two reasons why I should not. Protect your quit! I know you can do this!!!!


I am a guy..   When you get a chance duriing or after the argument (but not in front of him) go to the bedroom or somewhere away from him and just start laughing and while you are doing that just say ha ha ha you tried but you couldn't do it.  You couldn't make me break my quit, no matter how hard you tried you couldn't do it, you STUPID NICKODEMON.

Get somemore adrenalin flowing and then stand there and take a few deep breaths and let it out slowly.  You'd be amazed at how much better you feel.

You can do your quit.

Just remember will a cigarette make my husbands anger or any other type of stress go away??????????



Read this, I did the same thing, picked a fight with my honey, (but it was all his fault) so I could say it was his fault that I was smoking. Then I came here and read this that Guilia put up for me to  read at just the right time. The part about fighting with others is covered about half way down-


PS. I am like you, when I get mad I feel like smoking, then I eat something, lol. Then I start composing (in my head) my blog here. So that is one way this place really works. 


Thanks for all the support...i made it threw the night without smoking yipee....anyways i ended up going to bed at 7:30 last night but who cares...i did what i had to do to get threw the rough time not to smoke...this just proves to me that it does not matter how many days i have been smokefree there still is going to be days that are hard....the first 18 days were not as bad as last night was for me...just saying we always have to be prepared to stay tough and not let anything or anyone spoil our quit! Thanks for all the postive comment and the laughs...i needed that...once again you guys safe the day just by being here for u all.
