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Share your quitting journey

So far, so good

0 13 176

I'm still at 4 cigarettes a day and holding. I think I made the right choice for me in taking it slow and not going cold turkey. I've started taking vitamins, although I sometimes forget. I figure a month at 4 cigarettes a day then I'll cut down to 3, a month or two at 3 then down to 2, then 1 and finally none.

Although my son recommends quitting cold turkey, I don't think I'll take that advice, but I will take one other piece of advice he offered and that is to just hold a cigarette, unlit, and not, of course, put it in my mouth, but one of my biggest obstacles to overcome is having something to do with my hands. I think this will help alot. Anyway I'm giving it a shot. I'll let you all know if it helps.
