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Share your quitting journey

Smoke free

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I have been smoke free for 6 days now. This morning on my way to work i almost broke down and had a cigarette but i found the strength not too. For some reason i feel guilty even though i didnt smoke . 😞


You did it!!! You resisted the urge!! And you blogged about your experience and urge - which I am learning is important ( I am new here) 


way to go!!

i understand the "negative self-talk/ feelings of guilt" you describe.  I don't understand them but I have also experienced them.  


My first few days of being smoke free seemed easy. I found it has become harder for me the last couple of days and tomorrow will mark a week. I keep trying to tell myself dont do it you have come this far. I know this weekend is going to be hard on me because its my fiances birthday and we are going out with his friends for his birthday. I will be met face to face with two of my BIG triggers alcohol and friends that smoke. I am worried i will slip up and this is not something i can just not attend. I have to think of something to help me through this event.


Thoughts are just thoughts!

Our Brains have been hijacked by our Addiction to Nicotine. When you are in the process of setting yourself free you will have many, many motivational thoughts that will do their best to talk you into returning to your drug of choice - Nicotine!

Guilt can actually be one of those tricky thoughts - "I feel guilty so I might as well just give in since I already feel bad just for the thought!" Sneaky, huh? But a Nico-Lie is still a Nico-Lie! You still have the ability to not listen! 

Use your Executive Control! You made a decision to not smoke today NO MATTER WHAT! So honor your decision! 

And let go of the guilt! We've had mean thoughts about people but we didn't act upon them! It's your actions that count! Not your thoughts and feelings! What you do!

I highly recommend that you decide not to drink in these tender first days of your Quit! I would choose not to be around second hand smoke. Can you make that happen? 

Think about it! Your life depends on your answer to those questions!


Don't feel guilty ... be proud of every single day, hour and minute without a cigarette ... Feel the positives out of it ...

After 6 days you will be probably able to smell a lot better than before, you will have a little more breath and if you were coughing as a smoker, it will start going away ...

A lot of little simple things are making your life better ... those are celebrations and you have not to feel guilty!!!


a second suggestion: try to help yourself.

Enjoy the birthday party ... you won't be able to avoid friends that smokes, but try to avoid alcohol for this time.

Do it for you ... you can drink as much as you want in the future, but don't do it this weekend ... do it for you! It will be a lot easier.

About your friends' smoke: I wish you that it will happen to you what happen to me ... the smell of their smoke was so terrible that I was disgusted ... and that helped me a lot ...


One day at a time the pieces will fall together as you continue to walk on past the urges. Thanks for blogging about the temptation you faced this morning, and so good to hear that you got through it.


Kayla, it's okay to ask your friends at the party to help you.  Everyone who smokes knows that it is bad for their health.  It will be perfectly reasonable for you to explain that you are in the very early days of quitting and that you would be most grateful if they could try to help you by smoking as far away from you as possible.  As much as they have the right to smoke, you have the right to breathe clean air.  If you are gracious in your request for their help, they will probably be happy to do their smoking far away from you.  Your Quit doesn't need to be a secret!  Make it a cause for celebration!  At the very least, ask your friends to NOT give you a cigarette even if you weaken and ask them for one.  You may even inspire them to quit!   

You might also want to take some gum or mints with you.  And something to keep in your hands to fiddle around with.  One of the important things in the early days of your Quit is to have a way to deal with that "hand-to-mouth" habit.  Not knowing what to do with your hands when a craving hits can be very difficult!  Having something like a plastic straw, a rubber band or some other small item that you can play around with can be very helpful when you are around smokers.

Is your fiancé supportive?  Let him know that you will need his support during this first social occasion as a non-smoker..  Ask him to give you verbal support throughout the evening that lets you know that he is proud of your decision and wants to help you stick with it.  Sometimes, all a new non-smoker needs is a quick hug or the squeeze of the hand to feel reinforced.  

I also recommend that you write down a few key reasons why you decided to quit smoking.  Keep that list in your pocket when you go to the party.  If you feel your resolve weakening, slip away from the group and read your list.  It will help, I promise.

Plan in advance what you will order to drink.  As you know, alcohol is not a good choice during these first few weeks.  Perhaps club soda with a lime?  Maybe tonic water or a diet soda?

The whole key here is to PLAN IN ADVANCE.  Plan what you feel comfortable saying to your friends about your Quit.  Plan what you will do with your mouth and your hands if a craving comes over you.  Plan what you will drink instead of alcohol.  

When there is no plan in place, that's when a sense of helplessness may get the better of you.  Don't let this party take you back to the starting line!  Do you really want to start all over again?  Of course you don't!  Kayla, you can DO this!  If you need a pep talk right before you leave for the party, come here to EX and ASK for a pep talk.  You will get some great encouragement that will help carry you through the night!

xxxooo,   Sky



From another 6-dayer.  I am right where you are and I know it's difficult, but I also Know we can do this!  Thomas, maryfreecig, Sky Girl and everyone above gave you great Excellent advice. Maybe hearing from someone who is right on the same day will also help.

You Are Not Alone, Hang in there, You (We) Can Do This!

Jim -Stopforgood.


Congratulations Kayla on 6 days staying smoke free. You have great advice above.  One thing that was suggested to me in my early quit that helped was take a jar of vicks vapor rub and rub a little under your nose will help  decrease the smell of smoke.  You CAN do this. These first time events in the beginning seem nerve racking but remember as Sky said have a plan and you will do just fine.  Remember NOPE and you don't do that anymore.  


Thanks everyone for the great advice and encouragements!!!! I never thought i would make it this far without a cigarette i used to get bad anxiety when i would think about quitting. i am extremely proud of myself that i have gone this far. When i do get that urge i remind myself no Kayla think of why you did this plus look how far you have come why give up it feels good to now say i have been 7 days smoke free!!!! My fiance is a huge supporter of me quitting as he is a non smoker. I got this!!!! Saturday will be tough but i know with his support and everyones support on here i can do this!!! Also where i work i am being an excellent role model as i work with kids age 16-24 years old a lot of them are picking their quit date because they now have the support of someone else. I GOT THIS!!!!! 🙂 And again thank you everyone for the advice and encouragement!!!!