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Sleep study tonight

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Hi friends,

Well I got my sleep study kit to do, have to do it for 3 nights doesn't have to be in a row, have 7 days to complete it.  Today was great, but these days I hate going to bed because of my deviated septum.  I never used to be this way, but I guess I am more sensitive now that I quit smoking.  I have to put on this apparatus tonight and it's going to be really weird to say the least!  I need to get over this anxiety hump with going to sleep.  I swear I could be in the movie Nightmare on Elm Street and just never sleep again!  I only get congested at night with my deviated septum and it wakes me up cause I can't breathe and I go into panic mode, which is why I'm doing the sleep study to find out if I have sleep apnea.  Its weird, when I smoked, I didn't panic, go figure!!  That's truly the only reason I want one these days, cigg that is, but I said to myself NO, STOP IT, DON'T CAVE, YOU GOT THIS, and I don't.  So now, I find myself two Freddy's coming for you, three four better lock the door, five six grab your crucifix, seven eight better stay up late, nine ten never sleep again!!  Lol, no that's just a little humor, but there are days when I look like Freddy cause I can't sleep believe me.  God bless everyone this evening and keep on crushing those cravings!


May the force be with you!

Wingsbluecheese (Inesa)

Wingsbluecheese (Inesa)

About the Author
I smoked for over 32 years, I am now 52 years old. My quit journey began when I got a bad case of bronchitis. I wasn't even thinking on quitting at all, but I couldn't smoke, the bronchitis was bad, and before I even knew it, I hadn't had a cigarette in 4 days. My BF said, look, now is the time to quit, you are already 4 days into it, keep going, so I gave this some thought and said to myself let's do this. My quit date was October 26th, 2021. I also had a scare before I got bronchitis that I was in stage 3 kidney failure, well lots of blood taken and removal of NSAIDS (motrin, excedrin headache) and Celebrex for arthritis my kidneys are back to normal. It scared me, I didn't want to be on dialysis and I thought to myself if I can't stand the idea of being on dialysis what in the world am I doing smoking that causes cancer, COPD, emphysema etc....have I lost my mind?? I'm not saying quitting is easy by any means, probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do besides bury my family members. I take it one day at a time. I seek help through friends, family and this website which I have found some of the most amazing, caring and compassionate individuals who understand what I'm going through. God Bless, Inesa...wingsbluecheese