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Share your quitting journey

Six months ends in a 10K!

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Good morning, all! I hope that this finds you well....or just sane enough that you don't want to hurt someone for a cigarette 🙂

On Saturday, I had my six month quitting anniversary and coincidentally, I ran my first 10K.  The day I quit smoking is the day that I started running. I knew that, left to my own devices, I would never make it. So, I threw myself into the most lung challenging, polar opposite of smoking activity that I could think of. That was it.  And, it was hard as hell.  I would say as hard as quitting smoking, but who are we kidding? NOTHING is as hard as quitting smoking.  NOTHING.  But it gets easier over time.

For those of you that are newly quit for the first time or the four hundredth time, IT GETS EASIER. I swear it.  You will feel like yourself again...a different version, but like yourself.  

I have struggled this husband is out of town, my 3 year old son is being a....well, a three year old boy who has the strong will of someone who is in their 50's and set in their ways, and I am preparing for us to go on vacation and work.  SOO, I haven't exercised much and eaten more than I should.  I am still struggling with how to deal with stress.  In the past, it has been in this order:

1.  Smoking

2.  Beer

Well, the two are so intertwined that its like the theme song from "Married with Children" (they go together like a horse and carriage), so both of those are out.   I am way too far out of the quit for inhaling four Twix at one sitting and using the "I'm quitting smoking" as an excuse.

So, I am sitting here writing to you, hoping my encouragement will bolster some of my own. I am going on my first beach trip this year (with a toddler, nonetheless) and it will be my first beach trip in 20 years that I have not smoked.  That thought has slightly lessened my excitement of the trip, but how stupid is that? That something so terrible would make a vacation seem better.  Oye, oye, oye.

God love every one of you.  I am pissed for all of us that we have to go through this, but we'll make it together......cursing all the way 🙂

xoxo  Heather