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She Believed She Could

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~~She believed she could so she did.~~  Unknown

Tonight, I am that "she".  I am always delighted to find out new things about myself and this one I wanted to share because I believe it started when I quit smoking.

I am a yoga freak.  Love it!!!  It's like my security blanket because when I am doing yoga, everything else fades away and I'm totally calm and at peace.  So tonight I was looking at my new yoga DVD.  OMGosh!!!  Totally new positions, totally hardcore moves, and extremely different that what I am used to doing.

A few years ago, I would have said, "Ugh!!!  NOOOOO Way!!!" and not even tried to do this.

Tonight, I watched, I thought "Wow!  Interesting moves!!  Can't wait to try them."  And so I did.  I was not bad, either 🙂

Point?  Quitting smoking wasn't the agonizing event I thought it was.  I did it and felt.......thrilled to know that I can get through even tough times.  Now I don't even see "tough times".  I see opportunities for me to grow.  I see challenges to overcome.  I see reasons to excel.

I am able to see and do and be so many more things than I ever thought possible!!  And I will never again say "No way...too hard!!"  because nothing is too hard anymore.

I just thought I would share this.  It makes me dance......I can DO THIS!!!   And, of course, so can you.  You just have to realize it.

Have a lovely evening, my friends!!
