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Share your quitting journey


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  I am struggling immensely to not smoke right now. I left this house to go get my medication and actually never made it there. I stopped to get cat food and when 2 people walked by at 2 different times smelling like smoke I was so torn on what to do. Part of me hated how they smelled that I did not want to smoke., The other part of me was triggered.  So I just came home and never got my medication nor that coffee at Dunks. I now have sat here and stuffed my face , worried about my weight and my thoughts have not gotten any better. I am so stuck on smoking......even though I SO DO NOT want to blow my quit. I am actually afraid of myself since I can be so dam impulsive. I know if I smoke I will hate myself and may never return here. I have put so much into this. Why do I want to smoke? What the hell is wrong with me? I HATE this and being in this spot! I thought I was done with this. So what is wrong with me??????? Anyone?

there is nothing wrong with you! We all went through it! It happens! Now relax. Take deep breaths! Focus on the goal! Smoke Free at last! You have too much invested in this quit ti throw it away!!!!!


Nothing is wrong with you! I've been the same way on my past 3 attempts and expect to be the same on my upcoming quit! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Its always helped me to write when I was having a craving as it kept my hands off the lighter and cigarettes. You've made it this long without a smoke, keep going!!!!!! If it helps any, I stuff my face almost 24/7 during a quit and am stocking up on healthy alternatives and some not so healthy ones for my upcoming one...and I worry about my weight during this process too especially since I'm borderline ana according to my drs. But I think i'd rather gain a few pounds than keep smoking...they say exercise helps with cravings by releasing endorphines so its a win win...I'll quit smoking, exercise to beat the cravings and get to stuff my face too! LOL! Keep ur head held high and optimistic thoughts in your head! Like i said before YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I'm always here if you need someone! Btw, I moved my date up to the 30th and may start my quit before then. Good luck!!! hugs!!


We all have gone thru the madness its OK eat take a walk and breath   tell yourself you are worth this  and im stronger than any bloody craving  you can do this its sooo worth it tommrow  you will be so proud of yourself   do a puzzle  read a book  go get your medicine  put on a movie and pop some corn  you can do this  lesa


Come on Ali.. Don't give in.. You don't need to smoke.. Your brain is just meesing with you.. You will get through this.. dont give in!!


if the smell of smoke triggers you so much, out some vicks in each nostril next time you go out.

or a couple of cooked peeled shrimp. (you can give them to the cats when you get back home)


you need me to yank your leg???


LOL.......ok that made me are all right....I need to do this........this just sucks right now......and I hope it does not suck all night or tomorrow. I lowered the patch today so maybe it is that. I do not know. I went for a very short walk......all I could do back is in pain......and I had not driven in a while so that was a trigger too.......even though I had cleaned my car, I could still smell the smoke faintly....UGH!


Hi Ali... I promise you that there is a day in the near future where you will not think about cigarettes at all.  But, it's like crossing a bridge and you have to go through this to get there.  It's hard to see the other side right now but you must hang on to every moment.  I quit over 6 months ago and now quit for the day.  In the beginning, I quit for the minute.  I remember the first time I made it driving home from work (a hour) without smoking.  It was a huge accomplishment.  Please know that what you have done is also a huge accomplishment.  Concentrate on all of the things you have earned since you quit and never dwell on anything you have given up.   Hang in there.. take a nap, eat. watch TV, paint your toenails or the cat's nails, take a bath... do ANYTHING except smoke.


Every time someone says the word "intense" I think of camping.. Get it "in tents"... lol laugh and go eat some fattening delicious food and keep your quit!!


good thing my idea of camping is staying at the Hilton then huh?


hahaha see you'll be fine!!!


You've got alot of comments already so I only have 1 thing to add .....hang in there girl!!


Ali please dont rush this thats what got me PLEASE! have a nice calm night, 


rush? What do you mean?


I know the feelings that you are feeling right now. Your mind tells you to give in but at the same time it tells you to hang on. It is a hard thing to do and that is why quiting smoking is so tough at times. You have made it through the hardest week of your quit. The next days will be better for you. Stay on here as much as you can. Messege people , write blogs, read blogs and keep busy . I know that you are on your way to freedom. Just keep pushing forward and we will be here for you Look at what you have accomplished this week. Not an easy thing to do so be proud of yourself because we are proud of you.


Hang in there Ali.I wanted to ball my eayes out everyday for a month of my quit.It does get better!!!Moe


Listen to what everyone has said.  They are telling you some good stuff to get you through this journey.  It's rough now but it will get better,  Maybe the smell of Vicks is what you need.  When you smell the smoke just think.......that use to be me but not anymore!!!!


Hope I'm not too late!! Step away from the store!! Put your hands on your head and step away!! Wet your hands , get in the shower. You'll be ok,, It'll get easier I promise.
