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I quit six years ago today when I woke up and I could not breathe. I did not know if I could even call out for help. Somehow, I managed to get up and get dressed and I called the doctor and they told me to come right over. The doctor told me that I needed to be admitted to ICU and probably get put on a ventilator to “rest” my very tired body. I begged him to let me go home and at least TRY to get better. He agreed reluctantly and gave me prescriptions for two antibiotics and some new medication for my nebulizer as well as two new inhalers I had never used. And high dose prednisone to help with the inflammation. I knew from the moment I woke up that I could not ever smoke again. I had been sick before, many times, I got pneumonia pretty regularly every fall but I kept on smoking. I knew that my shortness of breath was getting worse all the time, I chose to ignore it. When I would get better from a respiratory illness, I would convince myself that I was fine to smoke, I just needed to “cut down.” I never really did that, consciously, the last year or so that I smoked, I was so short of breath that I would take a couple of puffs and put the cigarette out, I just could not finish it.

I have certainly had ups and downs since I quit, I absolutely accept that smoking never did anything FOR me, only TO me. PLEASE don’’t do this to yourself, between the intense shortness of breath and the overwhelming fatigue, it is not something I can even begin to describe. I am a retired RN, I took care of patients with COPD, I always felt so inadequate because I could not ease their anxiety, I never expected to be one of them.

I had been quit for a year and ten months when I had lung reduction surgery on both lungs. I was told that it was not a cure but that it may improve the quality of my life for 3-5 years. I was also told that the next step would be a lung transplant. I have degenerative disc disease and a rapidly progressing scoliosis which limits the space I have for even the lung tissue that remains. I so wish that I had quit years ago but I didn’t, if I can reach ONE person to help him or her to quit, it would be the best gift EVER for me AND that person. I used to be able to enter a room without people staring at me or getting up and asking if I needed to sit down. Last week, I took my husband to the doctor and it was very windy outside, by the time I parked the car and got on the elevator, a woman asked me if I was okay, I was so short of breath. I told her it was because it was so windy, she nodded, knowingly. I can’t even HIDE it any more. You DESERVE so much more than this, so do I, PLEASE DON’T BE ME.

Loving hugs,


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{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Huge caring hug coming your way sweetie along with tons of good thoughts and prayers}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

CONGRATULATIONS Ellen on your precious quit journey YAY for each and every year WON ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘

I pray that you will start feeling better very soon along with your husband and your son please take EXtra good care of yourself okay love you Ellen. ♥⚘♥⚘♥⚘♥



Reading your eloquent description of your day-to-day struggles makes my heart hurt.  I so wish there was a magic pill I could give you to make it all better.  I SO wish.

I will think of you now every windy day - it's one today.  I hope you get to work and back OK.

There is no doubt in my mind you would not still be with us if you had not quit six years ago.  Thank God for that, at least



Thank you MarilynH‌ I am getting ready for work, looking forward to a fast moving day.  You have been such a valuable gift to this site and to me, personally.




Congratulations on 6 Years quit Ellen elvan ... you my dear lady help so many of us here at Ex’s...I am not even sure if I could have gotten through those early days quit without you...when I got sick with infection and upper respiratory infections with my helped me so much by telling me your story.  I felt so welcomed here because of you.  Thank you Ellen so much...if I could take away your pain, gosh I would do it...I keep you on my prayer list with many here and hope you will get relief.  Wishing the best for you always, and a beautiful Sunday...Love and Hugs Colleen 412 DOF 


♥  ♥  ♥


Congratulations on 6 years of freedom! Wishing you an easier day breathing today and many more to come. It's hard to describe the COPD but I believe that you captured the essence. I get embarrassed when folks accommodate the "old man who can't breathe." I'm only 62! On the other hand when I'm this sick I have to graciously accept their accommodations. I really do need to Pace myself. I hope you are doing the same Ellen!



Enjoy the BD party today, Thomas!


I certainly will!


I'm so sorry, Ellen, that you suffer   I'm sorry that you get tired.  I'm sorry you struggle to breathe.  It hurts my heart to think of you hurting.  But who knows what tomorrow may bring?  A cure, a new medication that works wonders, healing?!!!  I hope.  Always I hope!!  Because you deserve healing, you deserve hope, and you deserve life.  You bring so much beauty and humor and kindness and love into our lives and you have forever changed so many of us.  Congratulations on 6 glorious smoke free years!!!  You have kicked addiction's a** and taken charge of your life!!!  I'm happy for you  

Love you, Ellen!!!


Congratulations and Hugs my friend.


Congratulations and thanks for all you do to help others!



Congratulations on 6 years.  I'm so sorry you're struggling so much.  If your not feeling better, please reconsider what the doctor said.  We need you around here.




Congratulations on 6 years, sister nurse.  So wish you could take better care of yourself.  I know you have so much on your plate. Sending you prayers from the bottom of my heart.  Love,   Barbara


Thanks Ellen. Congratulations on six years. You are in my thoughts and am sending a big hug. You've helped many and you've helped me, too. For that I am so grateful. 


Ellen, Ellen, Ellen....6 years so wonderful.

You know you hold a special place in my heart. You so wisely looked after me early in my quit following up and nudging me along. I am forever grateful.

Gods Speed in felling better


Huge congratulations on 6 years!!!! Please know that I am just 1 of I'm sure many that you have helped to quit. Like you, I stayed in denial of how sick I really was. I smoked to the bitter end when I literally could not inhale a cigarette without my chest tightening to the point where I felt like I couldn't get enough air.The problem with waiting too long to quit, is there's only so much improvement.


Six years strong, without smoking.  My heart aches that you have to endure so much.  You have been such a huge help to so many.




Congratulations on six years now smoke free. I wish I could go back in time and undo all the damage that smoking did to you and others. Giving you a big Hug. I hope you sleep well tonight.



In HIS love I love YOU Ellen

CONGRATS MY beloved sister Ellen - 6 YEARS - yahooooooo and WAY TO GO!!!!!!


So powerful, this.  May this blog be the "aha" moment for those still sitting on the fence.  May it give strength to those struggling to hold onto another smoke-free day.  May the reality of what this addiction does zing into their brains.  May they "get it."  

"if I can reach ONE person to help him or her to quit, it would be the best gift EVER for me AND that person."   Said like the beautiful Elder that you are.  When you "get it' you understand why helping one person quit is a gift to the giver.  It's not just paying it forward - a thank you to those who helped us get here -  it helps make all the trials we go through on this journey worthwhile.  This isn't coming out the way I want it to.  Obviously quitting is worthwhile.  It's just an added treat.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Ellen,  and especially for your large, loving heart.  

Here's to your 6 with many more to come!

Image result for number 6


Congratulations on six years dear friend...............I hope you are feeling better and that for today at least.....your life is problem free!



Thank you for this post. My prayers are with you.


Congratulations on your 6 years smoke free!


Congrats on 6 years sweet Ellen.  I hope you know how valuable you are to me and many others! xoxoxo



Love and hugs to you, Ellen. You helped me so much with your understanding and encouraging words at the beginning of my quit. That was 3 1/2 years ago. I’ve been smoke free ever since. I had smoked about 50 years so it wasn’t easy. I still remember your kindness and patience. My thoughts and prayers are with you.  


Big, gentle hug Ellen. Big congrats on 6 years. What a brave, powerful message you are sharing with all of us here. I am so very sorry Ellen.....I can’t imagine the challenges you face. You know I pray for you every day. God bless! 


Ellen, you really helped me with your encouragement during my quit (and tomorrow marks 2 years for me).  I hate that you have so many health issues.  Praying for you!  You have such a kind and generous heart, sharing your experience to encourage others to quit!  I don't sign on here often but am always glad to see your posts and how you continue to encourage and be a light for others.  


You've reached me Ellen! I'm so very very sorry to hear this.  You are living my worst fear.  And today I do not have those problems yet.  I dream about them, I see them all around me in people I know who smoked or still smoke, and I desperately dont want to be someone who regrets FURTHER the damage I'm sure I've already done. I just found out my ex mother in law had mouth cancer and they had to remove half her jaw. My son is supposed to visit them soon and she hasnt been set for new teeth yet. Im horrified my 10 yr old will see her slightly disfigured and immediately know that she was a smoker and ask if that will happen to me.  Of course it could! Easily! I can't bare the thought of telling him this was caused by smoking and something I could choose to stop and yet I haven't.   Prayers and your  condition.  Thank you for sharing something so personal! I'm so sorry again to hear this disgusting habit has caused you such agony.



Congratulations on six years, LadyE.  You know how I feel about you.  I am too sorry for the things that you have had to face in life but I am also very thankful that you are in our lives.  You are a light that does not ever go out no matter what you are going through.  Thank you for you. You are the gift. PERIOD

This Wise Elder is ALWAYS..... 

Image result for beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady


Congrats Ellen! 6 years is so awesome.. It's my birthday too so I will remember your anniversary every year now  You encourage me to stay quit and it really helps. Thank you! xx


Congratulations on your 6 year anniversary. Many more to come.




I see myself in so many of your words.  But - I did this thing, and so can you.  Start with the reading I recommended  - especially Allen Carr.  I actually became excited about quitting after i understood its hold on me.  It IS possible.  Not easy in the earliest days, but not so difficult for a long time.

Let me know if I can help you get ready and let us here help you do this thing!



"I so wish that I had quit years ago but I didn’t, if I can reach ONE person to help him or her to quit, it would be the best gift EVER for me AND that person."

"You DESERVE so much more than this, so do I, PLEASE DON’T BE ME."

Such strong heartfelt words of wisdom for those who are ready & willing to hear them.  We will never know who is changed by hearing them probably but be assured they have been heard loud & clear by "someone".  ((Ellen))  

Congrats on 6 Years of Freedom!         Six Years.png 


My Dear Ellen...

I am so pleased to read of your fabulous milestone, and how you continue to reach out and try to help others....what a great nurturing heart you have....I can only hope and pray that you have a healthy and happier journey in this life, and that you can get as much comfort as possible for being quit for as long as you have...God bless you my friend....

Pops 🙂


A Pops sighting, oh boy!


Yea, you never know who might show up on your minute, peace and tranquility...the next, bald old men...


Happy 6 years to you, Ellen. You have had a tough road to hoe. Thank you for sharing your story.index.jpg



You reached ME, dear Ellen, in the first days and weeks and months of my newbie quit. Now, to this very day, you are one of the guiding spirits of my Living Quit.

Thank you, thank you for helping save my life! I celebrate you, and I cherish you so very much!


(just about a month or so shy of my own 6 years!)


Wow, a Storm sighting.  Two sightings in one day.  How cool is THAT!


Ellen ALWAYS brings out the best!

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.