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Share your quitting journey

Rowdy's farewell

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My beautiful Rowdy died in my arms yesterday. He went in for larangeal paralysis tie-back surgery on Monday. The surgery went well and all seemed great until Tuesday morning around 8am. He started his battle with aspiration pneumonia and rallied several times when I was called to see him.

When the surgeon called around 2 yesterday afternoon, I asked Rowdy to please hang on
until I could get there. He did. We spent about 20 minutes together with him lying down. Then he sat up, licked my face, lay back down, stretched and was gone within a few minutes. For his final gift to me, I will be forever grateful. He died on Jan 28, 2009 at 2:51 pm at 12 1/2 years old.

You will notice pictures on my page of Rowdy well and happy. He brought much joy into the lives of all who knew him. I even saw the vets notes one day and they said Rowdy was a VERY nice dog. When he died, he not only had me with him, but 2 surgeons, his vet and 2 vet techs and one of the receptionists. This I did not know until he breathed his last, and they were all right there offerring their comfort.

I know the death of a much loved pet is extremely stressful, and I am really trying to remember that having a cigarette will not do me or him any good. But when the tears start rolling, it almost seems worth a cigarette to stop the pain - but then, I remember that I hid behind cigarettes for too long and feeling this pain may not be such a huge price to pay for all the joy and love (and yes even the stubbornness) that he brought into my life.

So now, as his physical presence fades from my life, I will remember him more and more as Quasar - his light name. Just as my Munchie is now more often remembered as Abriam.

Casey knows that Rowdy has left, while Faelan is confused at the sadness he is feeling. Faelan has also decided that Rowdy's blanket seems just the greatest tug toy - this he started last night. Co-incidence?
18 Comentarios
Sharon, my heart goes out to you. Losing pets is so heartbreaking, I know. And it is hard to see the remaining animal friend upset about what's going on. But I know you will both recover and do justice to Rowdy's memory by living life for all it's worth. And a cigarette is definitely not in that plan.
I am SOSORRY for your loss of your beloved Rowdy! I too have lost one already that was the joy in our lives for 16 years. The pain will subside and just keep giving love to those that are with you still. Having that cigarette will not make the pain go away, only time will heal that. Push through and think of the accomplishments that you have gone through so far in your quit!
I am so sorry. My animals are like my kids. I have lost 2 older dogs in the last year and it is very hard.
Just remember, a ciggerette will not bring him back, it will only make you feel worse after you smoke it.
When you want a smoke give your other animals big hugs instead and the urge for the smoke will be gone in no time.
I feel your pain.

We have lost two pets in the past three months.

Its a deep loss as they provide us such unconditional love.

And you are right, smoking only covers things up.

This is the circle of life.

God Bless
i am so sorry for your loss and have tears in my eyes as i read this. i, too, have a little dog that is my baby. my heart goes out to you and i am so happy you got to be there with him when he went. what a comfort to you both. God bless.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved Misty Dog last March and I still miss her every day, but I remember the good times more and more now. I know it might feel like a cig will help with the pain, but it will only prolong it. You have the right to feel sad and cry right now. That is a normal feeling. I was once told that it is good to cry because it helps clense the soul. My heart goes out to you today and every day. Brightest Blessing to you.
Know what you are going through. I've lost several beloved pets, infact this week i had an emergency w/my 16 year old cate and as I was pacing at the emergency clinic the first thought was "I need a cigarette" well I didn't of course, one thing has nothing to do with the other. Hang in there.
Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry about Rowdy....I too know how hard it is to lose a much loved dog...I know you had wonderful times with Rowdy and those you will always remember...
My sincere condolences for the loss of your much loved Rowdy. Very sad.
I am so sorry for your loss Sharon.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oh, I'm so sorry at the loss of your treasured pet and companion. Know others share your loss with you. Hang in there!
I am very sorry to hear about your loss.
Sorry Sharon
I lost my home-boy Homer about a year ago.
16 years old, and fighter to the end.
He is buried about 100 feet from my window.
there will be better days, but never the same.

I am so sorry for your loss. I too have lost a dog (Jordan, Beagle-Basset) that I loved like a child! I have another baby now, (Tracker, Basset Hound, just turned 9); I love him deeply too!! Dogs are so special and so full of love and they give that love so freely! Hang in there, let yourself grieve and do whatever it takes not to smoke....
Sharon - I add my wishes to all those posted here.. and thank you for all the sharing you have done in the past about your dogs.....there is many a dog waiting to be borne, just to end up with you as a "mom" !!!!

It's already 7 years since I lost my dog - Midget"....and I remember her with a smile now !!! We have been blessed to have been able to be friends with such magnificent, and loving animals !!!!

(and Faelan knows !!!)
Awww Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful pooch!
He'd be PROUD you didn't smoke, I know I am!
Life is short enough as it is.....smoking shortens it quicker.....I'm so glad we quit.
Love you girlfriend.
Oh Sharon, I just read about Rowdy. I am soooooooooo sorry, and my prayers are with you.

Sharon, I'm so sorry for your loss...It's never easy, but the joy our animals give us or gave us lives in our hearts forever...