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Reset my clock!!! Ugh....I hate this!!!!

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I believe that if you truly want recovery..part of recovery is HONESTY!!!  I made it a WHOLE 13 hours!  But, of course I didn't do what is suggested!  I left a pack of "TOPS"..(ROLLIES) IN THE DARN DRAWER IN THE KITCHEN!!  Should have thrown them away last night when I had my last smoke at 10:15 pm!!!!!  My husband is coming home for lunch and I am going to have him take the bag with the rollies in it to his work and throw them AWAY THERE!!!!!!!  I don't want to do this ANYMORE!!!!!!  I have spent all morning reading blogs and the forums and EVERYTHING AND I STILL HAD THOSE 2 CIGARETTES!!!!  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???!!!!

I just felt that I had to be honest to myself and to those of you on here!!!  


Hi, I like this link, too:

Forgive yourself immediately (like you'd forgive one of your children, or something, when they made a mistake and wanted to try again), and get back on that horse! Looks like you learned that 1. you can't have cigarettes ANYWHERE in your house. (I found out that goes for butts, too!—had a very close call!). CLEAN your house of any smoking items, and try again. You can do this!


Sounds like you might want to have a real concrete plan.....#1 Blog for help if you can't seem to talk yourself down or out of an urge.

#2   Get some phone numbers there are some folks that will be happy to give you that I am one of them......

#3   Give yourself permission to do whatever it takes to be successful!!! 

Make a list of all the reasons you don't want to smoke...this was suggested to me very early in my quit.....and it has helped tremendously.   Hope this helps...this is what pulled me through the rough times in the beginning.  Breathe Free


ok... Its over. Forgive yourself, but don't forget. You learned that there are reasons for instructions.

1. you have to think of yourself as an addict. If you were helping a drug addict recover, I don't think you would leave drugs in the drawer for them, and if you wouldn't do that then you should leave your addiction in the draw for you. Its only setting urself up to fail.

2. Bring yourself to the point where you know that you are going to be the person that put them down and walked away.

3. Remember there is nothing to fear. Cravings pass, and they are there but you don't have to answer them anymore than you would answer someone who wanted you to steal or do some other illeagal thing. There are things we want and don't let ourselves have because they are bad for us all the time.

4. Most important one of all. YOU are a WONDERFUL , STRONG person who should be here in this world a long, long time. You can do this!!!! It brigns about a healthy you both mind and body!!!


If you slip and fall you always get up and try again, same thing with recovery, try,try try again till you get it right.  Nothing to be alarmed about, it has happened to me also but I'm hanging in there and I have 131/2 days smoke free and I still need all the help I can get.


You are not by yourself...I have read that a lot of us relapse...have done it myself. Just keep trying and never give matter how many will succeed.


"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." - Colin Powell

So you learned a lesson cigs around you...just way to much temptation.  Jump back on board and continue forward from this point.


Make the commitment...and decide that "no matter what..." and you will do it! Stay close....


Hi Debbie!  You've been given very good advice here.  There is a page on that might help you today.  Please check it out. Here is the link.


there is noting wrong with you ,  you have very good advice here listen, we know it is not easy,


you have a message....


You asked whats wrong with you....same thing thats wrong with me....we're addicts...and addicts do insane things...until they start doing things different.

You can do this..

Wishing you much success and FREEDOM!


It is day 15 for me being smoke free and I wanted to smoke so bad today I almost stopped and bought a pack while I was driving but talked myself out of it.  Do these cravings ever quit?????????


Yes, they do. You shot another one down in it's tracks, Froguelady! One less to go. I'm on day 14 of no-nicotine, 24 of no cigarette, and it's been a strange day for me, as well. Yesterday, good. Today, my head feels like a balloon! Maybe it's just the "every-other-day" thing? I'm taking my balloon head out for some exercise!