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Share your quitting journey

Reminders for my quit

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My reasons for quitting:

1.  I'm having a baby girl next month.  Parents who smoke are three times more likely to have kids that smoke.  I can't imagine my little girl going through this much pain.

2.  After just smoking again for about 4 months, I'm unable to breathe.  I cough and wheeze.  I'm now strapped to an inhaler again.

3.  I need this to reaffirm my personal strength.  Shouldn't I be able to beat this?


Why I haven't succeeded in the past:

1.  I truly enjoy smoking.  If there were no health risks associated, I'd probably smoke forever.  I don't think this will ever go away, so I'm doomed to a life missing cigarettes.  This is why I must continue to tell myself my reasons rather than dwell on what I'm missing.

2.  I get overconfident and think I have it beat.  Once this happens, it's easy to slide back into smoking.  This is why my success is limited to 2 - 6 months.


Key success factors:

1.  Strong support of friends and family - primarily patience from those around me that will detect my internal suffering.  Also, the occasional recognition that I have quit smoking would be nice.

2.  Isolating myself from the smoking situation.  I don't have that strong of a drive to smoke at work anymore, as several of my smoking buddys are no longer smoking.  At home, it's no big deal unless my mom, sister, or dad come over.  We tend to like smoking and drinking on the patio.  This won't really be happening until after the baby comes, so this helps.

3.  Relaxation and exercise.  It's key for me to find a way to blow off some steam.  I'm contemplating doing some yoga, riding my bike, or going to the gym.


"Cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States."