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Share your quitting journey

Rage typing - not for newbies

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Rage is a strong word to use at 5:45 in the morning.  Who has energy for rage before coffee?  

Not annoyance.  Not impatience.  Not even anger.  Full on, red faced, noticeable increased blood-pressure, slathering, fist pounding, RAGE.  Seriously, who has time and energy for that first thing in the morning?

I do.  I have the energy for that.  I was so angry this morning that I couldn't focus.  Only years of habit and muscle memory got my teeth brushed and out the door on time.  I am no longer pounding on things, but I am still full of rage.  

Why so full of rage?  Because I stepped on the scale this morning and I have gained two pounds.  Not just any two pounds; the two pounds I worked hard to lose of the last two weeks.  I joined a NYE challenge in an online fitness community.  I have logged every bite.  I have not eaten any sweet treats.  I have reduced alcohol to 2 beers a week.  I have met my step goal and worked out every, single day. I saw a dip on Wednesday and it's all back on Monday.

Could it be water weight?  Sure.  Maybe.  Which means all my efforts are for NOTHING.  NOTHING.  

Since I quit smoking, absolutely not one single effing thing works to lose weight.  With the effort I have made in the last year, I should be hanging off a charm bracelet. Instead, I'm buying fat pants.

Have I been to the doctor? - of course.  I have done ALL THE THINGS.   Every sensible thing.  I am ready to try stupid things because nothing else works.  If I had known how badly quitting would mess with my metabolism, I never would have done it.  Honestly.  It has not been worth it AT ALL.

I would start smoking again at noon if I thought it would change things back to normal.  The only reason I haven't it because I don't think it would work.  This is the new "normal" for my body and I hate it. 

I know some idiot will come at me with a list of "healthy snacks".  Don't.  Just don't.  Today is not the day.