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Share your quitting journey


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This is a hard entry to write. But, write it I must. You see, I have relapsed.

There is no doubt in my mind that three factors were at work in my failure to maintain the longest quit I have ever had in my 61 years of smoking history:

  • I had not fully accepted the fact that I would never be able to smoke again
  • When I smoked that one cigarette on Labor Day, I opened the doorway to my smoking again at some point down the road
  • I never addressed/worked at underlying issues such as stress and worry and the part they played in my addiction. 

I was "white knuckling" my recovery; often hanging on by a thread and willing myself to keep stepping forward. I was not working through my quit in a positive and therapeutic manner.

I am sincerely hoping (and praying) that when I start my new quit on January 6, 2020, that I will closely guard myself to prevent repeating the above mindsets and practice.


P.S. I will be leaving January 4th for an out-of-town second opinion on whether I need a stent in my carotid artery, after all. At this point, I do not know how long until will return home. My phone is not programmed to access my quit-smoking member sites and I won't be able to take my computer with me. So, I will be out of touch until I get back home. But, once I get back here, you can bet the first thing I'll do is to log onto my sites to say hello and send an update.

I'm sending a sincere thanks to all who have been supporting and encouraging me and hope you will be there for me when I'm back.   


Welcome to our community!

All is not lost from your failure to maintain your quit.  It seems you learned a LOT about the mental aspect of quitting.  AND you figured out that white knuckling a quit only wears you out from the fight.  I'd say you have positioned yourself well for your next go - let us help you make this your final quit!  I will give you some reading and prep work to do before your trip to help you make it so.

The important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This easy and entertaining read provided a world of good information about nicotine addiction, most of which I was not aware.  I credit it in large part with my success at quitting.   You can search for it online or at your local library.

 You should also read the posts here and perhaps go to the pages of folks who you think might be helpful. You might visit, and for the good information contained there. @ has lots of blogs written by members of this site with their experiences and guidance. Here is a video to inform you further about nicotine addiction:

After you have completed the recommended reading, it will be time to make an informed choice of the quit aid, if any, you will use. If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. If used properly, gum, lozenges and inhalers are fine, but they need to be used only as a last resort after you have tried to delay and distract.   I have seen folks become addicted to them if they substitute them for every cigarette they used to smoke - just trading one addiction for another.  You need to start out with a plan to reduce use of them over time - which the patch does by decreasing the dose contained in them..  For the gum, you can start by cutting each piece in half, then in quarters, then sub regular gum of the same flavor in between, adding more and more regular gum.  For the lozenge, you need to start subbing a mint in between to begin, increasing the number of them over time. I do not recommend the e-cigarette for four reasons: 1) the vapor has been compared to the polluted air in Bejing on a bad day, 2) they just provide another nicotine delivery system while continuing the hand to mouth smoking motion,  3) the batteries can spontaneously catch on fire and 4) you can become addicted to that and it has not yet been proven safe .

It will be informative if you do the tracking and separation exercises recommended here on the site. As you track each cigarette smoked, note its importance, and what you might do instead. Put each one off just a little to prove that you don't NEED a cigarette just because you think you do.

The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand in a place different from when you smoked. Maybe switch to tea for a bit.  If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different. Buy your gas at a different station. Take a different route to work. Take a quick walk at break time where the smokers AREN'T.
You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Keep a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip. Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.    Get busy!  Here is a link to a list of things to do instead of smoke if you need some fresh ideas:

The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.

Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



Hi Suzy,

Hopefully this is a slip and not a full blown relapse.

Do not white knuckle your recovery.

Post when you crave, and wait for others to help you at the time.  Keep posting. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Give yourself permission to succeed.

Use the resources.

You can do this.

Take smoking off the table, you deserve it.

Please, you may need an operation, Quit now.

You can do this Sue.

You are being honest, you want your quit.

I  don't know where you got the smokes. If you have them dump them. Let us know if you have any please. If you do,let us know you destroyed them.



Thank you sooo much for these invaluable resources and tips! The stick my head in the freezer especially sounds like a great one to snap one around!!!

I will see if Amazon has that book. I'm a Prime member so get fast turn around on orders.

I will access the websites you gave me today~

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!



I so appreciate your response. It means a lot to me that you care. And I have always appreciated your input. I'm sending you an ex-email regarding the cigarettes.



Didn't we just meet you yesterday?   Sorry to hear the you smoked.  It happens to the best of us--the important thing in getting right back on track.   Did you have a quit plan?  If not, now is the time to do that prior to January 6th.  You can sign up for text messages from the Ex.  I found them very helpful leading up to your quit.  Next time reach out BEFORE you smoke.   Hope all goes well with the medical decision.  Let us know the outcome.

Happy New Year



I am chewing (regular) gum and going through the resources you sent me~


Please stay close and let us help you out when you feel the need to smoke. I’m never too far away. Once I can figure out how to post pictures on my phone to here I will find something for you...tony h approved. 


Thank you Barb. Yes, I'm new to the Ex, transferring over from Quitnet. I just reached my four month anniversary. I did "slip" on Veteran's Day by smoking one cigarette which I am sure was the fuel for my current downfall.  How do you sign up for text messages? They sound helpful~


Thanks for your support KellanC74‌! Tony approved?? approved what??? Confused....


I will find something that tony would have told us


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s SuzyQ411 

I am so happy you have found our site.  Do not beat yourself up...and follow Nancy YoungAtHeart resources she has offered to you...keep close to the support site to get help and to encourage others on this journey...You can do it...and we are here for YOU...~ Colleen 391 DOF 


Thanks so much for your support and encouragement Colleen.

On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 3:30 PM sweetplt <>


Welcome to Ex and thanks for telling your story. Ex is and will be here for you 365.


Suzy, I'm glad you posted.  I am hoping you don't have to have another operation.

I will miss you while you're away.  All the best to you my friend!


Thanks for sharing Suzy and prayers lifted for YOU Suzy in MY Lord Jesus name amen - no worries I used MY drug nicotine over and over too - YOUR NOT the 1st to suck in death sticks again - YOUR NOT ALONE Suzy - in HIS love - I love YOU and will be waiting to hear from you upon YOUR return - gentle hug


I will call while I'm gone if that's ok?? I won't be leaving until Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning (this coming weekend), whichever Kevin prefers. Will miss you too~


Thank your for your email, support, encouragement and prayers. And the

hug! Suzy.

On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 4:22 PM indingrl.01.06.2011 <


Awe your welcome


SuzyQ411‌  You will be OK  We all got you


What a great thing to hear !! Thank you!


Thank you maryfreecig


I just wanted to wish you well for your upcoming check on your carotid artery and tell you we will be here for you when your return.Im sorry you relapsed with your quit but I admire that you came here and shared that with us. I wish you the best of health and joy in 2020 and especially a beautiful new start with your quit.


Thank you Mandolinrain‌ for your encouragement and support! I love your art!!


Suzy, don't let this relapse define you. You have got this. This is such a great community and we are all looking out for on another. I had a very bad craving last week, so I posted and it has done wonders for me. Reach out to us before you reach out for those cigarettes. They are not your friend.

Stay strong! Happy New Year and cheers to you!


Thanks to you chandrika.christie‌ for your support and encouragement. I am very new to the BecomeAnEx site and yet have found fantastic help anyway!! This people on this site have been a blessing. I'm additionally blessed as many of those I knew from Quitnet are also here~

I intend this upcoming quit to be my last, with all my heart~

Community Manager
Community Manager

SuzyQ411‌ Be sure you go through steps to update your quit date. Re: How do I get my quit date to show on the community?‌ will help. Good luck on your visits and time away from the site. We'll be thinking of you!

EX Community Manager


We have been there before SuzyQ411‌ and it does suck. Learn from it and move on, don't beat yourself up because that is what the addict wants you to do.  Reaching out when those nasty craves wont go away does help, walk, light house work, reading anything to keep your mind and body busy. You are worth quitting. 


I am sincerely tech-deficient but it looks like I now have this completed

correctly. Thanks for the specific instructions! I will go on to your other

e-mail with other instructions and cross my fingers! Thank you!


Thanks for the support! I do plan to make THIS QUIT stick!


You got this Suzy!! Sometimes relapse does happen but don't beat yourself too much about the past. Just look forward to the future. The future where you DESERVE the quit for yourself. You already know you want it, now its just time to quiet the voice inside your head saying you're not strong enough, because truth is: I know you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be on here. You wouldn't be making strides towards taking back your time. 

Much love for you Suzy and good luck on your surgery. ❤️ 



We are all here to help you along the way 


Thank you so much Apanlilio‌~ really appreciate your encouragement and support! 


I’m sorry to hear you had a relapse that’s not fun starting over. I had a stent put in me in 2008 recovery was not that bad just had to take it easy and take my medicine. I hope you don’t need a stent put in you wishing you the best.


Do you have a reality object to help you if not here is a blog to read about it? I have a reality object and it has helped me with my quit.


Here is another great blog to read.



Thank You Christine_Aka_Legend Blog‌ for your kindness and your sharing helpful information. I also hope to avoid the stent if at all possible.

Thank you for the helpful links!

In fact, just last night, I read Giulia‌'s post on having a reality object. I have chosen a small wooden cross given to me by my daughter-in-law shortly after the death of my 2nd husband, Pete. It is hand-sized and lends itself to be "worked" like a worry stone. It is precious to me as it's connected in my heart to Pete, is symbolic of my deep Christian faith, and is made of rosewood from the Holy Land. I NEVER want to give it up!

I read Jackie's post on WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol) and I found numerous treasures on how to keep my quit. It has also re-confirmed my plan to stay puff-less free this time around. Just one cigarette in November led to the point where I am right now. Insane!

Thanks again for your support~ Suzy


You sure are doing your homework!  One of the things that I did which was helpful to my quit was to copy and paste those blogs or paragraphs that spoke to me and print them out and put them in a binder.  That's something you might do and take with you during your time in FL when you'll be without a computer.


Fantastic idea!! BTW, wish I were going to Florida, lol. Am just going downstate New York to stay with my son for my vascular surgeon 2nd opinion plus not sure if he says a stent is indicated if they will do it next week or have me come back...Thanks for your binder suggestion 🙂


Well - IMAGINE it's Florida!  I did.


Haha!! Will try! We are in the midst of a snowstorm here in my part of the northeast! However, will get to visit my son in Tennessee in March 🙂


SuzyQ411   I like your reality object very nice. I hope all works out for you. You can do this keep telling yourself you can.


Thank you Christine... it is very precious to me and I wish to convey to my heart just how precious this quit is to me.


Hey Suzy, 

I just went through a huge urge to take just one puff on New Year's Eve--I had a Martini in one hand and thought I probably would need a cigarette for the other hand. I didn't relapse, thanks to a friend who was with me and happened to mention that her granddaughter was "vaping." She had offered her money to quit; it didn't work. I explained to her what I'm about to tell you. Those GD Cigarettes come with an addiction--physically but more importantly mentally. They lull you into thinking that you're missing something. What's happening is: In order to keep the level of nicotine up there ( which is killing you by the way), every 20 minutes or so, you need to re-supply because the initial level is now gone. So it's a vicious circle that keeps you craving another cig, just to keep the nicotine in your body. I hope that cigarette tasted like you were getting gassed--unfortunately, the old addiction wagon rolled by and said, "have another one, or you'll be depressed for life." That's just addiction talking--nothing more, nothing less. I found that a nicotine fit lasts about 10 minutes at the most. What I do, is change the subject by doing something different-a complete switch of gears. Like YOUNGATHEART, who wrote you and who has been very helpful to me, I'd recommend Carr's book. I read it after I began my quit, and if nothing else, you will find some paragraph, or words that will resonate. I found the fact that the nico leaves quickly and your body needs to fill the void, the most helpful thing. I also go over to Walmart and smell the smoke outside, or watch people smoking, and other people who don't smoke --there's only one difference between the two. The first is an addict and the second isn't. I'm no big deal, I'm on my 74th day, but i made it through a crisis on New Year's. Finally, please, please, please, don't beat yourself up over this. We are doing something very difficult--extremely hard, and full of anxiety, until you realize and get it through your head that you aren't giving up a thing, but addiction and the monster that keeps saying: "fill me up again." Don't let him fool you, or tempt you. Nico is a liar, and he's trying to make your life miserable. He already has after that relapse. You can do this; so can I. I'll help you when you are on the verge, and perhaps you can help me. I got so much support of New Year's Eve it was incredible. The people here on this site, make the world a better place to live in. Go get em Tiger!!!!!!!  Augustus


Thank you for this email !! It spurned me even more to want to have this

quit over and done with; succeeded; battened down; locked in place. I tried

to find this post by going back to my blog on Relapse Sucks but could not

seem to be able to locate a place to view responses. I want to let Augustus

now how helpful the post was and to also let him know I'm up the Chapter 25

in Carr's book~ I'm going to go into his site through his link and hope

that will at least get me to him.

Any help you can give me on accessing any responses off my original post

would be great! I have not been on the Ex much due to reading and

researching to get ready for THE BIG DAY of the 6th! It will almost be a

relief! In the meantime, I have been responding to emails showing me if I

have any posts I need to respond to.

Thanks again for sending this to me and for your ongoing support ~ Suzy


Suzy, you did respond to Augustus on your blog Relapse Sucks.  How are you viewing the blog?  From a phone or from a computer?  There's also a difference if you're posting from your inbox, or replying through your email.  You can always find all your content and activity by clicking on your Avatar or online name.  It will take you to your page.  There you will see heading for Content, Activity, etc.  



Gotcha! That was easy! Thanks for the info!


Everything's easy when you know how.  Just like quitting!


You are so brave for many reasons! Your post inspired me, and I understand how it happened. I’m sure others do as well. You can and will do it, and sending positive thoughts for your health



Thank you Janet!! I appreciate your support. I know I intend to make this my final quit! Hey, I saw on your site that you need to change your quit date...?? Did you get help to do this?


Yes! I did. Thanks!



About the Author
Prior to my first quitting on 8/25/2019, I was a heavy smoker for over 60 years. That time, I quit due to health concerns regarding clogged arteries to my brain. Tar deposits from cigarettes were making the situation worse. I had become a prime candidate for a stroke and required surgery to clean out my left carotid artery. I have relapsed 4X since that quit, the last one being on 05.15.2022. ( At one point in all of this madness, I had been quit for 1.5 years). Then on 9/7/2021 I began my recent eight month quit before my current relapse. I am in the process of planning a return to the non-smoking life. After more than 2 weeks of smoking, wheezing and coughing and being short of breath, I have set my new quit date of June 1, 2022 as the beginning of my forever quit. I am done with this madness!! God is good.