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Quitters Log, First week

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Ok. So I made through to a full week. The nicotine monster made me a little cranky a few times yesterday, and a close friend pointed out I had been a bit snippy a couple of times during the week, but guess what. I made it through the week with sheer will power. And Jack Johnson of course. Don't know what it is about his music, but it helps me chill and fight the desire to smoke.

So my closest friend in the world said to me yesterday,"I believe this is your time. You're really determined. I believe you'll make it." And Bonnie Lou does not hand out positive feed back cheaply.

Now. Lets see how well I do through my first weekend. On the bright side, a couple of friends I'll be spending time with are not smokers. On the scary side, when I go visit my brother and pals, everyone smokes. However, whatever it is they smoke will choke a smoldering fire. Even as a smoker I couldn't stand to smell it or be around it. Guess that's a good thing. I'd smoke tar paper before I would ever bum one of their cigarettes. They smell very similar to a pile of old rubber tires burning in a trash dump.

So despite being a little grouchy from time to time, I guess I am going to make it. I am very proud of myself. Won't deny that I miss that first one with a quiet, peaceful moment and a great cup of coffee in the mornings, but I am finding new ways to appreciate those times.

So my quit date was March 17. I've decided that April 17, which will be a full month smoke free, I am going to treat myself to something extremely nice. I'll have to ponder what exactly I want.

So to all you new comers and any of you thinking about becoming a new comer, I have to say this site and the support and feed back I get here is a great help. I love it. Wish I had found it one of the other many times I called myself quitting. Of course, remember the monster under the bed? Well the nicotine monster is what kept me from quitting in the past. I always wanted to, but I was terrofied at the thought of being totally without a cigarette. Finally, last week I bit the bullet and quess what. I scared the monster out from beneath my bed.

Now when I can convince it to stop following me around with that constant whining, I'll probably be a more pleasant person.