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Share your quitting journey

Quit day tomorrow - high anxiety

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I have decided to quit smoking again. I have tried several times recently but am realizing that I am truely addicted. Mornings are the worst, so I would smoke until I got to work then put my patch on. Oh, this can be done. No problem, right? WRONG! I would leave work, remove the patch and smoke again saying it is not the perfect time. Guess what? There is no perfect time. It has to be now! I'm sick of feeling like crap. I'm sick of spending money on something that does nothing for me but make me feel worse. Mostly I'm sick of letting my son down over and over again. He is 13 years old and deserves to have a healthy mother for as long as possible. He deserves to be able to buy things that he wants instead of being told no because I am buying stupid cigarettes. 

Knowing that I am quitting is causing anxiety, stomach upset, jitters. I have been trying to cut back until my quit date, but if it is this hard while still smoking, how will I do it? I have a plan and support but am still feeling high anxiety. 

Need to remember why I am doing this! BREATH! 

About the Author
I am 47 years old and have smoked on and off for about 30 years. I am also a single mother of the most wonderful 13 year old son.