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Share your quitting journey

Quit day Thurs.12/29

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Did anyone get more anxious and smoke more as their quit day approached??  Thanks for the support.


Did not have enough time to think about it..


Hi Penny, I did.  I was scared of quitting but knew I wanted to.  Turns out making the decision and getting to my quit date was harder than the actual first few days of quitting.  Please believe that you can do this.  You can be happier without cigarettes than you ever were with them.  There are many resources to help you understand the addiction and withdrawal.  Check out BobbyMaynard's page, he has several links.  Quitting is the best investment you can make in yourself and it is well within your reach.


yes i get anxious and smoke a lot. i am going to tell my self i want smoke to day.


yes and then I left the site lol

I had to just quit with no warning.... finished the pack and was done 🙂


I am less anxious just reading your comments.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support.  Please stay in touch. 


You bet.  I smoked and smoked and smoked right before my quit.  And the day before, I just became a bloomin' chimney!  Ha!  Just like I did every other time I've quit.  Even though I knew it was STUPID.  I'll tell ya, though, it's the few days right before you quit that I think are the hardest.  Once you make the commitment and jump in with 100% of yourself on that first day all the worry about it is over and you're just learning how to swim.  The water's fine, by the way.  And we've got lots and lots of life rafts to hang onto.  Take slow deep breaths, grab one of those sports bottle type flavored water thingies with the nipple on the end and keep it filled with regular water or juices.  Keep sucking away.  I'ts a primal need and takes our bodies a while to get over it - the sucking.  Or - go buy a binkie!  Seriously - whatever works... you do.    Experiment.  YOU make the path here. 


I smoked more just thinking about quitting.  It was harder then than the actual quitting was.  Come here any time.  We want to help.

You can do this!


don't freak youself out


You guys rock, tonite its over and just with your comments I know I can do it, and there will be support!! Can't tell you how much it means!!! 


I am on day 14, and I agree with the others, the stress of thinking about it was almost worse than doing it.  I failed on the pick a day in advance route, finally got sick of worrying about it one morning, and decided I would try that day, so no advanced warning.

You can do it!!!!!!