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Share your quitting journey

Quit Day Eve

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Quit Day -22.png

It's here - I'm cleaning out the stuff that reminds me of smoking here at the house. Not too much - don't smoke inside but I have an ashtray out on the screen porch. GONE! Then there's the fire pit on the back patio, used it to field strip cigarettes before I went to bed. Gonna light a small fire and throw my last cigarette pack in it! Also throw out my lighter (not in the fire, mind you ). Already thrown a couple of jackets in the washing machine - don't want them smelling like smoke anymore.

So many things running through my mind - excitement, conclusion, apprehension, hope, fear, achievement/pride, and yes, even failure. But that ain't gonna happen - been down this road too many times! I used to tell myself that one day I'll quit, then I'd tell myself I'll quit before I get old (I don't want to be one of those old people still smoking - guess what? - I am one), then after my last attempt 7 years ago, I got to the point where I'd tell myself I reckon I'll smoke the rest of my life. I felt so bad after failing that attempt, it stuck me in a rut.

I'm tired of it now - it has ruled my life for far, far ... far too long. Tired of sneaking away from everybody to get a smoke (very few of my friends smoke, mainly just co-workers but I can avoid them when they're puffin' away). Tired of counting to make sure I have enough to make it until I get to the store again. Tired of paying the monetary cost of the addiction but mostly tired of paying the health costs of the addiction. I used to think that it wasn't affecting me much, never really had that smoker's hack in the mornings, it's still not bad, though of late, I wake up in the night coughing to the point I can't get back to sleep. Found out a couple of years ago, I have mild signs of emphysema, kept ignoring it (amazing what that nicotine monster can do!), but in the last few months, I've noticed how much quicker I get out of breath climbing the hills here in the mountains where I live.

I love the outdoors - nothing calms me more and makes me more at peace than hiking in the mountains - can't imagine not being able to do that. My wife has pointed that out to me many times - and again, that monster made me keep ignoring it. Planning on a camping & hiking trip the weekend of Earth Day - that should help give me focus as I enter no mans land.

As I've prepared myself for tomorrow, I tracked my smokes and not only what was the trigger, but also whether I actually enjoyed it or not. Guess what (I'm sure most of you already know) - the vast majority of the time I really didn't enjoy it, I was just feeding the addiction. I paid attention to how it made me feel, and again, most of the time it made me lightheaded, foggy and tired. I'm done with that - a clearer mind to deal with what life brings my way, not a crutch to try and cover it up.

Gotta keep positive - there's so MANY good things awaiting!



About the Author
I've smoked for 40 years - now in my late 50s, the health effects are starting to catch up to me. It terrifies me as I love the outdoors and enjoy nature, hiking, camping, fishing, and canoeing. My wife quit 10 years ago and really wants me to quit as well, she keeps telling me it'll be hard to hike with an oxygen machine! We live in the mountains with two pets - a dog & a cat. She is semi-retired and I hope to retire within the next few years - I want to enjoy my retirement.