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Quit Date Tomorrow!

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I am getting ready for my quit tomorrow.  I have a fear of anger- I just woke up this morning and looked at my email and saw that the personal training membership that I had cancelled 5 months ago charged me again!!.  I have been short on work for awhile (like a lot of other people) and this charged almost caused a overdraft.  Also it is Sunday so I can not call about it- I will have to wait until tomorrow when I will be going thru whatever i will go thru while quiting. These are the kinds of things that send me thruogh the roof and the first thing I go for is a cigarette when I get angry.  i would love to hear any suggestions on handling these kinds of situations- they always seem to just come out of nowhere when we are  quiting smoking. I guess this is a deeper reason for a fear of quiting- unmangaeable emotions- fear,anger etc.


These things happen! They are called life! They are not reasons to smoke! They are excuses! There are no reasons to smoke! You must not allow your nicodemon to sell you on excuses to smoke! See my blog just below for a surefire perscription for quitting! You can do this! We will help!!        Tommy


Being a woman, I am an emotional rollercoaster. So needless to say, when I quit smoking, I was ten times worse (if that was even possible lol). I got a tip from some members here of a "Letter to Loved Ones" on Anacondahead's site (search: Anacondahead...I am not sure if it is still up but just ask). My friends and family understood that these emotions were from the process of quitting smoking. All I can say to you is that it does get easier! You have to trust us that it will get easier, we have faith in you, and we will help. When you are feeling angry, fearful, Come to the site and get it off your mind! You can do this! Just take it one day at a time!!


I have been reading Allen Carrs book (now for about the third time-I got it after my last quit).  I do believe trying to keep my mind flooded with the truth is helpful.  I am a cold turkey quiter- I would as just soon get the nicotine out of my system ASAP.

I heard someone say once that they had very little succes with trying to stop their mind from running all the time but that he could change the channel.  I think this is true- I have to keep my mind focused on what is really true about smoking-and that is it is killing me and i am paying thru the nose to do it. i want to stop in time- I have had very little health related problems in my life and I don't want to bring any on by continuing to smoke.


I appreciate everyones feedback- keep it coming!!


I am a cold turkey quitter as well, and getting mad while quitting is my expertese, I use it to my benefit, if I go all the way without smoking through an anger episode, I feel that much prouder of myself....makes me stronger when I succeed, also I look at it as even if I was smoking getting angry would not change, I would just think I need a cigarette and think all is better....but guess what, as a 5 day none smoker, the little episodes are handled better as a none smoker than a smoker, their minor...confused yet???  It gets better when you get use to it, and you'll feel so mucher better as well....Lotsa luck, and hang in there you can do this!!!



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For my first few days as a non-smoker, I began every conversation with "For your safety and mine, I would like to inform you that I have recently quit smoking."  It's not fair to ask the world to tip-toe around us, but for heaven's sakes-it's a health club membership and they should care about your health!  I delayed my quit so many times waiting for that perfect moment, when the stars would align and my universe would be stress free-yeah that never happened.  You can do it-just take it one day (even one hour or one minute if you have to) at a time.