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Putting My Money To Good Use!

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I'm going on 55 Days tonight and I feel Great!!
I feel this quit is much more stronger then the past attempts and I think Cold Turkey was the best bet for me!

I've taken the money I have saved so far and put it into good use! I put my 7 year old into the cubscouts which he loves!
I never had the money for it before because the uniform, dues, camping equipment, outings and everything else was so expensive.
It's amazing that I was blowing 200 bucks of month and nothing to show for it, this time I do!

Today we went on our first 3 mile hike. (In a thunderstorm with pouring down rain!) It was alot of fun and luckily half way into the hike the sun tried to make an appearance! LOL
The hills were alittle tricky going up. I know I need to loose weight so I can stop huffin and puffin, but I know I would of been worse if I still smoked.The best part is I never quit and I did finish the hike, considering I was with all guys that are used to hiking from previous experiences and three hyper boys that ran everywhere looking for our markers. You get me with short legs, overweight and a disability (I have 25 pounds of rods fused to my spine~Scoliosis) it was hard work!

Last weekend we planted 140 Douglas fir trees in the ground at a park nearby, that was ALOT of work but well worth it!
I usually don't do that much exercise but I think the cubscouts will change that!
I'm also hoping the cubscouts will make the hubby quit smoking too. He also is involved with the pack.(he was there today but didn't have any problems because he's used to walking) He really wants to quit but it's hard. (I know that story!)
His company is finally going to help the employees quit with a special program!! YAY
If they deny help and still smoke, it's another $500 more a year for medical because they are considered high risk...(I don't think so) I even have to sign a paper that says i quit but smoked within the last 12 months. Insurance companies are getting tough.
So, he is going with the program.

Dean knows if he quits that's another additional 200 bucks a month for us to have for more things because he smokes my brand and smokes about the same or alittle bit more then I did (Cross my fingers he quits!)
Until then, I'll be the one enjoying my smoke free life with money to spend on fun things!

Below is a picture of my little guy!
He's a Wolf

Very Steep hill up ahead (I had problems with this one!) My hubby in the blue in front of me (I was taken the pic behind) and my son in the yellow rain poncho

The beautiful state of Washington!

Planting Trees
Your son is so cute! And he looks so handsome in his uniform! 😃
AWESOME, you have replaced the addiction that was killing you and taking you away from your son and traded it in for such wonderful time together!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!
What a darling little guy, Debbie! It looks like you're spending your money on a worthwhile cause! What a wonderful thing to do! I sure hope your husband will get the urge to quit pretty soon. You're so strong to keep your quit with him still smoking! What a lady!
That is so awesome! Even though I don't know you, I am so PROUD of you! Anything is possible if we believe. And what a great gift you have given to your son, and to your family in general. Memories that will last a lifetime, and a Mommy that may last another 20 years longer by living a smoke free life than one whose life was cut short because of the evil death sticks. Good for you. Thanks for the inspiration.