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Praying after years of smoking, chest x-ray is o.k.

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Good evening my fellow EX's-

Well, today I got the guts to finally admit to my Doctor I have been having chest pains for quite sometime now. I never said anything before, because I knew it had to be from smoking. I did not want to face it. Matter of fact, I thought I never would. I was positive I would ignore it, and it would get better. Although I knew better, I really did not want to deal with it. That is how addicted I was to smoking.

So today I had my chest x-ray today. As I entered the x-ray room and stood up against the metal plate, I was told to breathe in deeply and hold it. This was hard, and painful in my lower back. When I exhaled, I was relieved to be breathing again. I had to this one final time, and it was very uncomfortable once again. The I was done, in a matter of 5 minutes. That's all it took. Just 5 minutes of my life.

After I left still with some mild chest pain, it sunk in to me. I am afraid to know what the results are. But I know I must face this no matter what, and I will. I will no let this break me, other than make me stronger and be thankful I am addressing the issue at hand with a clear mind, un-polluted.

I had a great day with my hubby (I am working on him to quit smoking too). I know I must be done with smoking, because he smokes and it really does not bother me no more. The first 2 weeks it did. But now it does not affect me at all. I even stood outside with him while he smoked after we had an early meal at the restaurant before we went to the movies. And I was fine!!

Also, for those who says drinking is a trigger to smoke. I had the only texan style pina colada today with a double shot, and no craving too smoke! Matter of fact, I am having a home made pina colada, and still no trigger!! Do not want to get too excited about this, but I am re-learning I guess life without a cigarette.

So my fellow EX's. pray for me. I am really nervous about my chest x-rays.

God Bless...........Noodle

Peace and hugs to you and yours.
Way to use your "noodle".....oooohhh, bad huh? Congrats on staying strong and not smoking! Good Job!
Hi again Nikkie, Oh my gosh. That is a stressful day. But you know what, at least you will find out the bottom line and have a direction to take from there. It's all good Nikkie. and you are courageous to go have the x-ray. Girl, you deserve a big round of applause for facing your challenges head on. and, try to not worry alot because you may be perfectly fine. IF they find something wrong, you can worry then. Please keep us posted and you are in our prayers.
Hey Nikkie,Hang in there, I think the worst thing is not knowing,and why is it always on a Friday so you have to wait over the weekend? Do try not to worry , I can tell from your post you are very strong...Girl I wish I had one of those Pina Coladas right now, It's noon somewhere.
So? What's the word? Praying for you. And glad you've stopped smoking. Keep us posted Noodle.
No word yet guys!! I'm anxiously waiting too!!! You guys are the best!
Hi Everyone!! So, today was the day. The Doctor says I'm OK!!! SO THANK YOU GUYS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I have been 4 days without the patch, and feel great! Just so you know, if I want to smoke I can, but why??? I am so happy to have control over me!!!! I love you guys!! Thank you for the support. I ONLY PRAY TO BE THERE FOR YOU ALL, LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN FOR ME!...........NOODLE
Hmmmmm You quit smoking and the pains went away. Is that like the old addage of: Doctor, It hurts when I do this, and the Doctor says, Well, don't do that then. CONGRATULATIONS !!!! AND am so glad you are staying with us. You would miss too much fun if you went back to smoking. ( and our drama, don't forget the drama)