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Share your quitting journey

Positive Thoughts

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I know it sounds trite and rather singsongy like a jingle in a tv commercial that makes you want to throw a pie at the screen in spite of the fact that you and only you will be cleaning it up.  But, none-the-less, positive thoughts and affirmations get me through the day. 

A thought is a powerful thing.  It's very close to an action.  And an action is holding hands with your goal, it's right next to it.  But it all starts with a thought.

Negative thoughts such as this: "I can't do this, I'll never be able to quit, I've tried a hundred times and always failed, so I don't have whatever it takes to quit, been there done that - failed"  ... will not help.  So just stop them before they form inside of your head.

If they form inside of your head, visualize yourself putting duct tape on their mouths and walking them to the front door and kicking them outside and slamming the door.  Why should you allow a negative throught to carry you back to failure road?  You don't want to go there, so why allow Mr. Negative to drive you there?

You are in control of your mind whether you believe it or not.  Just fill it with positive thoughts.  Replace the negative ones with positive ones.  You can do that.  If you need one positive thought, one mantra, one affirmation to get you through the day, here you go ....

1)  Each day, each new moment can be an opportunity to clear the air and start again, fresh and free!

2)  What we teach ourselves with our thoughts and attitudes, is up to us.

3)  When it gets dark enough, you can see the stars.

4)  Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself.

5)  We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

6)  Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own shadow.

Be strong today and remember that you are more than an addiction!  (Day 8 for me!!!)


Thanks for another great post.  As a man thinks so is he.  Have a great day!


What an awsome post to wake up to....Thank you!! 

You are doing great!!

I'm at 7 days 10 hours, right behind ya'....weeeeeeeeee.....and I am still talking out loud to myself when thoughts of smoking a cigarette enter my head!!   Lovin' myself more and more everyday for deciding and taking action to be a QUITTER.


"When it gets dark enough, you can see the stars."

This is a fantastic post,  filled with wisdom.  Thank you for brightening my day!


I'm loving it.  So Positive.  So. Encouraging.  Thank you for this great post.  Hope it will help brighten someone's day today. 


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Thank you I need to hear this! It keeps me motivated! 🙂


That was wonderful!  I am printing out those positive statements and am taping them to the walls!!!!!  Really uplifting.

Thank you.



Thanks for sharing a wonderfull attititude and postitve outlook. Everthing you said was so true. This is a great tool and mindset to have in all aspects of life I will try to brain wash myself and make this thinking a habit.


I am very happy to hear about your clean streatch there, my friend.

I use a eraser pen to write affermations on my mirror. I write them up high so that I have to look up to see them I find that when things are glum to severely awful, it lifts the mood to look up.

For me the journey down the road of fresh clean air leaves behind the toxic poison smoke and everything that enabled that to be the conditions.

Self talk is very important. When in doubt, floss while thinking it over.


I am very happy to hear about your clean streatch there, my friend.

I use a eraser pen to write affermations on my mirror. I write them up high so that I have to look up to see them I find that when things are glum to severely awful, it lifts the mood to look up.

For me the journey down the road of fresh clean air leaves behind the toxic poison smoke and everything that enabled that to be the conditions.

Self talk is very important. When in doubt, floss while thinking it over.


"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act, but a habit." I love this, thank you! I just filed out a profile and am looking forward to using this website as a tool to quit smoking. It has nearly been three weeks and I loved this number 5 affirmation, how true it is, I will have always heard that 21 days makes or breaks a habit and if that is the case then I am days away from achieving excellence! Yee Ha!


Hey Ohio!! Great post! Wonderful insights to reflect on. I always love reading your blogs!

Happy Day 8 to you! I'm so happy to see that you're still doing so well! Keep writing, this place needs you!!

