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Positive Affirmation Alphabet

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Cleaning up old emails I came across an Og Mandino A-Z alphabet, at the end of which I wrote my own Positive Affirmation Alphabet below. 
What are yours?
Actually we're just fine - the way we are.
Adhere to the positives, abstain from the negatives, allow for the possibilities
Be the best that you can be - God doesn’t ask for anything more.
Be who you are, because anything else is unworthy of you, and you are worth more than you can imagine.
Can't figure it out? That's ok. Persevere anyway.
Courage is a condition that occurs when you least expect it.
Don't EVER give up...on your dreams, your determination, your belief in yourself.
Do hope for the best. Dreams evolve into destiny. And destiny is dreams that have been pursued.
Eventually - we'll figure it out.
Escape from the mediocre. Turn off your TV and create your own entertainment. It will enrich your spirit.
Forgive and forget. Well, at least forgive.
Forget about IT - whatever IT may be that’s haunting you. Unless it finally pushes you to action.
Graduate to a new view if the old one provides no beauty for your soul.
Go for it. For it you don't try, you'll never know what's possible.
Hold onto hope. For it is your salvation.
Have your forgotten your purpose here? Then simply look in someone else’s face and seek to bring them joy.
I am, you are, he is, we are, they are...all in it together. I am, you are, he is, we are, they are....not alone in the daily wondering, hurting, loving aloneness that is being human.
If you must doubt, do not despair
Just because you’re afraid to, doesn’t mean you Can’t.
Jump off the end of the limb - if you fail, at least you’ve know flight - however briefly.
Know as much as you can about at least ONE subject. That will make you feel worthwhile - at least in your own eyes. And what else really matters?
Learn from your mistakes and love the lesson.
Leap across the void of Can’t to Can.
Manage a moment of gratitude every day - why not?
Memorize the face of those you love. They won’t be around forever.
Manipulate the negatives out of your life. They serve no purpose.
Marry your love to your actions. Your heart will grow.
Maintain perseverance against your foes, for they are adhering to this very vow.
Nod to a stranger with a hello. Doesn’t it cheer you when they do it to you?
Nobody said life was fair. TV and Hollywood don’t count.
Never doubt yourself, but ALWAYS doubt an unkind word said about you.
Opportunity knocks on everyone’s door. The trick is to be brave enough to open it.
Put yourself in someone else’s place. You may find wisdom there.
Question doctors, governments and yourself. Healing comes from within
Quit aggravating the situation by picking at it. Find a new scab and let the old one heal.
Rest assured that what is true today may not be true tomorrow. And if it is, it’ll probably be different.
Reason it out. Don’t just let emotions control your being.
Remember to love - something - each day. No matter how hard that may seem to be.
Require excellence of yourself. It is what God expects.
Rue not your lacks. Rather rejoice in your abilities, however mean.
Say a prayer for someone each day. It will take you out of yourself.
Stand strong in your beliefs. It builds character.
Stay honest with yourself. Delusions create false realities.
Tame the temptation within and terrify the tormentor.
Tread not into the paths of self doubt, unless you need the lesson, for there is One who has no doubts about you.
Treat everyone you meet with an open heart. Caring and loving are a normal part of our species.
Trust in....... (YOU fill in the blank. The less, the greater the fear. The more, the greater the capacity for love.)
Thank someone for something every day. It will acknowledge that you’re not totally selfish.
Unconditional love - try it on. It’s an invisible cloak utterly transparent to God.
Utter words that transcend, not banalities that add to the mediocre.
Vie for what is right and fair and just, not for the petty. The petty is not pretty.
Voice your opposition to that which is wrong. Add it to the caring multitudes.
When everything seems lost remember that tomorrow it will change - in some way.
Wondering what might have been serves absolutely no purpose except to keep you awake at night.
When in doubt, trust your instincts, even if they’re wrong. They’re more right than any surmise.
You are, you can, you will be.....(fill in the blank with your own determinative positive)
Zoos are meant to be visited. They remind us there are other cages than our own.

About the Author
Member since MAY 2008. I quit smoking March 1, 2006. I smoked a pack and a half a day for about 35 years. What did it take to get me smoke free? Perseverance, a promise not to smoke, and a willingness to be uncomfortable for as long as it took to get me to where I am today. I am an Ex but I have not forgotten the initial difficult journey of this rite of passage. That's one of the things that's keeping me proudly smoke free. I don't want to ever have another Day 1 again. You too can achieve your goal of being finally free forever. Change your mind, change your habits, alter your focus, release the myths you hold about smoking. And above all - keep your sense of hewmer. DAY WON - NEVER ANOTHER DAY ONE. If you still want one - you're still vulnerable. Protect your quit!